After reading Joann's blog over at and an encouraging e-mail from her I decided to join the fun over at and join in on the on-line trunk show!
It is a very difficult decision to pick out some favorite quilts..... so I asked my family.
Hubby chose his quilt =). He loves the earth tone colors and after collecting green and brown fabrics for this quilt while pregnant with our first child, silly me was thinking I could quickly sew this together in the last few months of my pregnancy and get it quilted while working full time! Yup, I was nuts. He got it before that child turned 1.....a year after I started it. (and 4 months before baby #2 arrived). This is from the Nickel Quilts book from Pat Speth.
He also likes Celtic Solstice - a Bonnie Hunter Mystery I made a few years ago. I think the colors just sparkle in this one.
I then asked my son his favorite. He chose this little wall hanging which was a scrap challenge sew along that I machine quilted with my walking foot. He said he loves the colors in this quilt.
My daughter Emily selected the quilt I knew she would. Her sailboat quilt. This one has to cover her first at night when we tuck her into bed. She loves the feel of it. These blocks were some that I won from my quilt guild up in Vermont when she was a baby.
Now my favorites. This is
extremely difficult since I have been quilting since 1992 .... that is over 24 years of quilts... and I was quite productive for quite a few of those years!
I love this scrap basket quilt design by Kim Brackett I believe- another one where I won some of the blocks from my guild and then made a bunch more and put it together. I machine quilted this and just love it. It reminds me of some wonderful ladies in the guild up in Vermont.
My next choice is my Hugs and Kisses Quilt. I hand appliquéd the orange peels with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge a few years ago. I had a brainstorm on the name and how to set them half way through making them... one color a month. I guess you could say I designed this, as the setting and border I came up with as I went. I actually hand quilted this one and love the softness of it. This one resides on the back of the couch and I actually took a nap under it on Sunday afternoon.
Another favorite is a quilt I made as a mystery one just for me while I was pregnant with my daughter. She decided to be a week late and I was actually able to finish this one before she was born (the little stinker - she still has a mind of her own at age 7!) The colors are my favorites - blue, green, purple and yellow to add a nice sunny pop of color. The mystery was run from Yankee Pride Quilt Shop in Essex Jct, VT. My first time quilting with batiks.

See, I told you this is difficult..... I have to throw in one more that I finished off last year as a wedding present for my nephew. Another quilt I made with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge by just making blocks in one color per month for a year. This is my Birds in the Air quilt. I picked the block because I wanted to stretch my skills and this one looked so hard to make! I am pretty darn good at them now..... and have almost enough of them made for a second quilt for me, only mine will be full size and hand quilted eventually! This one was machine quilted with squiggly lines on my domestic machine.
Ok, one more.... my apple wall hanging. Another one with the RSC on a red month. I used a coloring books the kids had for the apple and hand appliquéd them down in the car line while waiting to pick up the kids. The little squares got sewn together very scrappy for the alternate 9 patch block and I hand quilted this one. It hangs in the dining room for the months of August and September.
Well shoot.... how did I forget my Lori Smith quilt along? I finally finished this one a few months ago and will have it hanging officially in my home office by the end of next week. I made each of these blocks using some Kansas Troubles fabrics I got at VQF back when I lived in Vermont and I think before kids or right around when Aidan was a baby. Each 12 inch block was hand quilted (car lines again) and was my first attempt at quilt as you go this year. It was a great process once I got it started and can see making other quilts this way.
Darn it.... I sold this one this year and am kicking myself cause I miss it. Guess I'll just have to dump out all the blues and creams into piles and make another one soon - my scrappy and wonky log cabin. Just grab a piece of fabric (not cut to specifics) and sew it on until it reaches the size I wanted. Square it up and you get a very pretty quilt. I attempted my first machine quilted feathers in the cream sections.
I'd add more... but I have quite a few that are tops and not finished ... and this is a trunk show of finished quilts. Maybe I'll have them done for next year's show!
Head back to the link up and check out the other
on-line trunk shows... but first grab a cup of your favorite drink as the eye candy will have you in awe.