Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Embroidery Wednesday - Frost McChill
Saturday, January 28, 2023
ABC Scrap Challenge.
This year Joy over at The Joyful Quilter modified the Table Scrap Challenge into an ABC Scrap Challenge. I figured I'd combine a few things like the UFO Challenge and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge of Blues in January into the ABC Scrap Challenge this month. After all, I did make this quilt with lots of scraps! Don't look at the floor, it needs a deep clean very badly!
Hoarfrost is #20 on my Winter UFO 2023 Challenge and it is a blue and white quilt which ties into the Blue month of the RSC. Joy picked the letters C,R and J for the month of January. Let's see how creative I can be to tie this in!
Hoarfrost reminds me of Snow Crystals in January. As for the R - Well, if it is not cold enough... those little fellas fall as Rain! I know... quite a stretch but I'm going with it! ;)
RSC in blues.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Hoarfrost - binding time...
Hoarfrost is #20 on my Winter 2023 UFO list. I was able to get it pinned and quilted last weekend. I finally trimmed it on Thursday and cut some blue strips to make the binding. I need to sew the strips together today and then press it and attach to the top of this quilt so I can hand stitch it to the back. It is a cloudy and dreary day in Florida. I think it might be a movie and binding afternoon.
Since this is blue... I'm linking up to the RSC. I hope to play with some blues this weekend. Maybe some crumb blocks? Scrappy log cabins. We will see what the fabrics decide they want to become!
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Wednesday Embroidery - Frosty McChill #2 is done!
I was busy stitching away Tuesday night listening to my audiobook as I finished the stitching on this little guy. I am not happy with the snowflakes, but I figure I'll get better at them by the time I am working on the last one!
Quiltfiction quilt along.
Monday, January 16, 2023
Breadmaking and books
I tried a new multigrain bread recipe yesterday and it came out wonderfully! Very yummy and used up some grains we had in the house that I didn't know how to use! We have a 48 ounce can of 6 grain rolled cereal. It contains red wheat, rye, oats, barley, triticale and white wheat. I used 1/2 a cup of it along with 4 cups of flour to make this bread. I'll have to try it as a hot cereal and see how it is.
Sorry, we kinda cut into it before I got a photo! This is my second slice =)I've listened to a few audiobooks the last week or two. I listen to them in the car while driving to get the kids or while waiting. If the book is really good, I have my ear buds in listening while I make dinner and sometimes while stitching at night. I usually have it playing on my phone while quilting as well.
I started off the year with 'The Last Thing He Told Me' by Laura Dave. This was a really good book. I didn't want to stop listening to it and finished it in 2 days!Sunday, January 15, 2023
Slow Sunday Snowmen

I finished off the first Frosty McChill offered for free by Melisa at Pinker and Punkin Quilting. He is so darn cute! I will start stitching on the second one today.
Yesterday was a sit and do not much of anything day! I took Emily to horses and I had plans to prep and pin my Hoarfrost quilt for quilting. Somehow, I ended up in my recliner with a dog holding me down (keeping me warm) for most of the afternoon! It was chilly.... the car said 48 degrees at 12:30 after horses! Grandma is picking up the kids today and then taking them to see the new Avatar movie that is out. I asked if they had seen the first one.... nope! Emily watched it Saturday after lunch in her room on her phone with Disney +. Silly girl came out and asked if I wanted to watch a good but long movie. Sure... she put it on and I asked her to let her brother know. He came out of his room and watched it with me. 2h41 minutes later - a really good movie! He then put on a F1 race from the 2021 season. It was at Sochi where Hamilton won his 100th race! Teenagers - occasionally come out of their rooms to interact with the rest of the family!
Today, I plan to try a new bread recipe. Hubby had purchased some staples years ago from a long term storage type company. I took an inventory of the boxes of #10 cans a few weeks ago. I have used some of them. The cornmeal is used when I make cornbread. I have gone through the rolled oats and white rice. I was surprised there was one more rice can in there! I pulled the pinto beans and tried them in my insta pot. They turned out pretty good. Can't say I have ever had pinto beans before .... other than already prepped as refried beans! I tossed the black beans. They had been opened for a long time and did not soften when cooked. I have an unopened can of 16 beans... that was good with soups. I went through the other can already. I guess I had 2 cans of that. This one is unopened. We have ground some wheat to make flour. I found some 'rolled' 6 and 9 grain cracked cereals. I am going to pull the 6 grain one and try making this bread today. We will see how it turns out!
I asked Emily to help plan the meals this week since no one ate what I cooked last week! They make their own things! Sigh. Those pinto beans made into a version of refried beans were ok with my taco meat and salads during the week. This is what she came up with.
Monday is steaks on the grill with grilled veggies. I pulled steak from the freezer yesterday so it would be thawed. It was in the Zero freeze one. Aidan will be my griller.
Tuesday when the kids are back to school, it will be chicken enchillada's and rice. This will use the sour cream that needs to be used!
Wednesday is 'Emily's Favorite' - which is a roasted veggie pasta with italian sausage. We roast zucchini, mushrooms, peppers and onion in the oven at 400 for 30 minutes, turning halfway.
Thursday will be meatloaf and potato and a veggie. Unless there are lots of leftovers!
Fridays tend to be pizza.
I'll pop out and grab the veggies at Aldi's later today or tomorrow. Since we are all off work - I am hoping to get Hoarfrost pinned today and machine quilting tomorrow. We will see how that goes!
Linking up with Kathy and the other Slow Stitchers.
Friday, January 13, 2023
RSC in blues
I got a little time to sew this week! I have seen lots of pretty split nine patch blocks over the years and decided to make some this year. I think I'll dig a little farther into the blue box and make some more of these.
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Wednesday Embroidery
I have made progress on Frosty McChill #1 but he is not quite finished yet. I have been working on him at car line the last 2 days. Thanks for the tip on the Frixion pen - I had one in green that worked to trace it out. I have the next 2 all set to start once this one is finished.
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Slow Sunday Stitching on Frosty McChill
Saturday, January 7, 2023
RSC 2023!
It is always fun to start a new year of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Since the scraps are still overtaking the sewing area, I'm joining in again this year.
With a RSC 16 patch stars finish this week, I feel good starting some new projects this year. Everything is subject to change... you know, as life and what you feel like sewing tends to interfere occasionally!

I want to play with my Accuquilt Dies a bit more this year. I might make some one or two color quilts in certain months. I may play with some all year long!
The first ones I want to start with are the kite dies from the 8 inch Cube companion angles - die #14 and #15. I reached into the blue bin and pulled out this pretty blue and since I have this bin unsorted, there was also 2 pieces of this white dotted print in there too. A quick press and they went through the die and cut out these parts for me. I'll plan to sew them up later today. I might mix things up and have some in the reverse with the background as the kite. We will see what happens!
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Embroidery Wednesdays!
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
First finish of the year! 16 Patch Stars
I am so happy to call this quilt completed! I machine quilted around all the stars. Then outlining on the white parts a / through the square area and outlining around the white box between the stars. A simple squiggle line in the border all around. It should hold the quilting enough for plenty of washings with the warm and natural batting. I used the backing for the binding. It is a galaxy type print with splashes of pink, purple, blue and green. I just need to finish trimming a few stray ends from quilting and get it washed and ready for gifting. This is #14 on my Winter 2023 UFO list.
Feels good to get that first finish out of the way! I'm using this as my December 2022 Table Scrap Challenge with the rainbow stars... a bit bigger than normal but.... it is a finish!
Monday, January 2, 2023
Winter 2023 UFO Challenge
I seem to have lost the quilting mojo for a bit the end of 2022. Life is settling down a little and new projects and old UFO's are calling my name. I went back and looked over my previous lists for the last year or two. I'm impressed with how many on the lists have actually been finished! Alas, there are still plenty of UFO's in the sewing area that need some attention.