I seem to have picked up a head cold that is draining my energy. (I got a negative covid test - figured I'd better check) I had great plans today, alas, I am just doing a little and then resting. I think I will go play with some fabrics soon. I did get things dusted and a couple of floors swept. Air into the car ties which were triggering a low tire, a drive through the car wash and picked up a script from the pharmacy after dropping Aidan to school. Emily had an early drop to school for a little extra studying before taking an Agriculture certification test. She texted us that she passed with a 92! I have no clue what the certificate 'means' but it is something to add to her schooling credits.
I have been following along a crochet along this week of 5 stitches and making a dishcloth with each, each day.
Maria's Blue Crayon is doing the crochet along on Facebook. I am still on Mondays!
Day 1 of 5 Days of Crochet Dishcloths
Griddle Stitch (also know as lemon peel stitch)
(I used a 5mm hook, beginning chain of 36, dishcloth came out to ~7.5”)
Beginning chain multiple: 2
Row 1: Ch multiple of 2, dc in 3rd ch from hook, sc in next ch, *dc in next ch, sc in next ch, repeat from * across, turn
Row 2: Ch 2, dc in first st, sc in next st, *dc in next st, sc in next st, repeat from * across, turn
Repeat Row 2
I took it with me yesterday for the kids pick up and messed up row 2 a few rows ago and swapped the stitches by doing the SC then the DC. I'm not going to 'fix' it since it is looking the same and will just be a dish cloth for me!
This one got driving time in this weekend just around the neighborhood. He will need to get pushed to try driving on the road this weekend I think. He did an hour with me last weekend and I think Greg did some time with him on Monday while I was working and the kids were off school. He did get a haircut and looks much more respectable now! It was comical watching him get into the car without pushing my seat back! He is 6 feet tall to my 5 feet 1 or 2!

I did trace a feather design onto the other open spot on the bear paw quilt and started stitching on that during the F1 race on Sunday. I have not picked it up since.
I think I'll go pull some bright greens and creams and cut out a slew of triangles using the Accuquilt so I can get started on the last 2 garden path blocks I need to finish off that collection. While they are out, I'll cut what I need for 4 split nine patches in bright green. Time to warm up some soup for lunch, and then I'll wander into the sewing area to play.