Thursday, December 30, 2021
Some kayaking and fishing....
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Hexagon QAYG......
I prepped a few more of the hexagons yesterday while listening to an audiobook. I have been listening to the Charlaine Harris - Aurora Teagarden series and I am on the last book she has out in that series. Time to find a new series to listen to on Libby! It's free with my library card... but it is frustrating when you start a series and not all the books are available to listen to. I might have to get Audible to listen to more books in the Jennifer Ashley series about Kat Holloway. I really like the 4 books and the accent of the person reading it. Looks like there are 3 books in that series I have not listened to yet.
I checked back and I had originally prepped 14 in blacks. Hmmmm. I have 3 set of 4 and one other single from that batch which means 13.... I am missing one! I prepped 8 grey and another 4 black ones yesterday. Once I find that missing one (I wonder if it fell under the recliner as a 'cat toy'?), that will give me 26 for December. I'll prep another 2 black ones and then I'l probably see what I need to 'finish' up my odd sets of hexagons from previous months that were not divisible by 4.... so every month but February!
Last day of work for me. Tomorrow Emily and I are planning to go kayaking at some point. We also need to finish the garden and plant for 'cool weather' which is essentially anything I grew up in VT in the summer! The boys need to finish rebuilding the ramp into the shed and then will test out the little finishing motor boat a friend of Greg's has lent to us on Friday. Pretty quiet here. I nixed the 'visiting and exploring' I was hoping to do on this break with the surge of infections happening so we will maybe just hit the trail head for some hiking instead this weekend.
I got my booster shot on Sunday.... I was a little surprised when I logged on to sign up for one that they had an opening that afternoon! I took it and just felt a little sluggish on Monday afternoon.
Stay safe out there.
Monday, December 27, 2021
2021 Recap
It has been a year! Not as many finishes as I normally get but I seem to have moved to more hand stitching which does indeed take a wee bit longer to complete. The Ravelry quarterly challenge did help a bit until this last quarter when my mojo seems to have left the building! The Table Scrap Challenge was also a nice quick 'finish' each month with some scraps or orphan blocks being mostly made into placemats for the table. In no particular order I pulled these from my Facebook album of 2021 quilts. I found a few years ago it was a great way to organize my finishes and so easy to just pull the photos for this post!

Thursday, December 23, 2021
Think I should start wrapping presents sometime soon? Hehehe... hubby ordered a bunch so he gets to do a lot of the wrapping I think. I did pop to the local quilt shop last week to get some thread and managed to have a little shopping spree and then handed the bag to him as my 'present'! I tucked the book Quilters Patch into the bag with about 9 yards of white print fabric for the main background print in the quilt. I'll pull from stash for the rest. It is a sew along with my Quilters, Stitchers, and Such group on FB starting in January. I also picked up some bobbin thread, new small scissors, seam ripper and a couple of 2.5 inch packs of squares.
Monday, December 20, 2021
Hexagons, Lo Mein and and a SMH moment!
The kids had a dental appointment this morning so I had taken the morning off from work. Greg has his Tai Chi Monday and Friday mornings. I took my tin of prepped black hexagons and got a few stitched in the 30 minutes of wait time in the lobby. Aidan got a good report and one cavity on Emily that needs a fix next month.
We did a quick stop at Aldi to get mushrooms for the lo mein dinner tonight. The kids might have grabbed a few extra things to go in the cart and I grabbed some bone in skin on chicken breasts - either for the grill outside or shake and bake in the oven in the next day or two. With the rain predicted it will probably be shake and bake which we have not had in a while. Greg is doing Sushi for his night and Aidan mentioned salmon on the grill.
Emily and I prepped the veggies and Dad is assisting Emily with the wok cooking right now.
My Smack My Head Moment... I have Craftsy and renewed my membership last week. I kept looking at purchasing classes and it had been a while since I had checked in and really was only watching my 'purchased' classes before I reread the FYI's and the light bulb went on and as I have the membership I can watch ANY of the classes! So, that is my SMH for being a ninny. I have been watching about knitting intarsia this afternoon so I can work on Aidan's sheep pillow after Christmas. Well, that is my 'stupid me' moment for the week. Back to adding edging to Emilys afghan. The boys are headed to guitar soon.
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Slow Sunday...
I am not working on what I should be at all this weekend. Sigh. I have mentally pushed back the memory quilt for a possible end of year finish. We will see how that goes.
Instead it was cookie baking yesterday and decorating this morning. (Hershey kiss cookies, sugar cookies, crinkle cookies) The boy got a much needed hair cut. I took a trip to Market of Marion for some fresh produce and realized I much prefer it Friday at 9AM than Saturday at noon!
Way too many people there at that time. I did stock up on a lot of things for future meals this week. Veggie lo mein Monday, I'll bake the eggplant into the first few steps for lasagna but I'll just make them into individual pizza's I think... if I don't eat them all right off the pan! I had a yummy tomato (tasted like a tomato) for lunch and one went into the taco salad with the lettuce for Grandma's this evening. Aidan is making guac for his lunch today. I have yet to try the daikon radish - that might go into a prepped veggie tray for my afternoon snacks in the fridge.... if the carrots, celery, pepper, cukes and cherry tomato are prepped for snacking I will eat them!
Right now I am relaxing with a few crochet stitches into Emily's afghan. She might finally get it completed for Christmas! It has only taken me 2 years and a month so far. I did a single crochet all around it and now I am doing a double crochet. I'll probably add a couple rows of that to make it the size she wants. The original pattern can be found for free here at Mama in a Stitch.
Linking up with the other slow stitchers at Kathy's Quilts.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Those hexagons....
I had my follow up appointment with my doctor yesterday on my bloodwork. I had high numbers for my thyroid this summer so she put me on medicine for that. The number came way down with the meds and my energy level is much better. I'm a little disappointed as normally it causes you to loose weight... I had the opposite effect! Sigh, up 5 pounds that I am working to take off.... again! Prediabetic still.... so getting the weight off and maintained is my goal again in 2022. I do not want to tip into that category if I can help it.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Girl Scout Holiday party - last meeting until 2022!
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Sunday.... stitching of various types...
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Well, so much for spending hours prepping clothing for stitching on the memory quilt. Sigh. That is how the week has been going. I got a Pampered Chef Quick cooker that I have been playing with the last week. It does a great job with rice, beans from dry and the stew was good. The boy did not like the texture of the chicken for the chicken that I cooked in it. Will be playing more with this - I did like the black beans and quinoa made in there for my lunch bowls last week. I can't wait to do corned beef as I grew up with pressure cooked cabbage and love it cooked that way (I might have just eaten the cabbage growing up for that meal - a little S+P and vinegar!) Hubby actually used pressure cooking as one of his physics write ups for his class!
Tuesday was a quick dinner then we headed to school for Emily's band winter concert. That's the best photo I could get. She is second row on the right about 4 people in playing clarinet. We heard the chorus, beginner band and the advanced band play.
Yesterday - the tents I had up and airing from this weekend, decided to try and run away in the afternoon (windy!) so they got taken down, stuffed into their bags and put away. I made some homemade sweet potato baked fries and risotto for dinner. I had taken butter out for cookies a few times in the last week and had yet to make them (thinking peanut butter balls (buckeye's) but was missing graham crackers at one point). I decided to make some hershey kiss cookies (peanut butter with a hershey kiss on top). Lets just say as soon as they were cooled for 10 minutes hands started taking them and 'testing' them. There are a few left for now... but the kids are still at school! I had signed up for a Homemade cooking class last night and did not cook along but listened into the program. I'm planning to make it tonight - it was Morrocan Chicken Tangine with couscous. If you have never heard of this website - I highly recommend it. There are a bunch of free classes - and I have been know to sign up just to get the recipe and not do the Zoom (apple cider donuts, orange cranberry scones) .... but, there are a bunch of free things offered with some of them. I did the Farmhouse Cheese board one last week and that give away was from Cabot cheese! This was my single serving version =)
This morning was an early start for blood work at 7AM, back home to take Aidan to school for 9 (Emily was an early to school for her horse testing at 8 - her Dad took her). When I got home I put a few things away and then checked online for the 3 grocery flyers - Publix, Aldi, Winn Dixie. Winn Dixie won with a chicken thigh B1G1 deal. I kept 5 out and seal a mealed and froze the others into 3 packs of 5. While I was doing that - hubby got to steam clean the carpet. Seems Sophie cat (my 17 yo girl) is having some issues and there was cleanup needed on the carpet. I did grab a leek and used up the last of my potato's to make potato leek soup for lunch. Yummy. I had a noon training for troop cookie manager and then a little paperwork for that..... and here it is time to go pick up the kids! That's just how my days tend to go lately. I did finish stitching up these 4 green hexagons during my meeting though. I think I started prepping the last of the browns but have not made it back to the sewing room yet.