Thursday, July 25, 2024

A busy day.

 Wednesday, I got up and walked the dog. Did a couple hours of work. Finished packing and headed to the airport in Orlando. I had a direct flight to Burlington mid afternoon that was very pleasant. My ride (thanks big brother David and Donna) arrived and after dinner at Texas Roadhouse, they delivered me to camp.

Turns out, my dad had some bleeding in his mouth that was taking a bit to stop (30 minutes). It was off and on Tuesday night and when it happened again after 11:30pm, I took them to the ER. Of course it stopped when we got there. They were very busy with only one doctor, so when it happened again in a couple of hours I rang the nurse. They found a solution to get it to stop then observed fir a few hours to make sure it was stable. We got back to camp about 6:40am. Time for bed! 

I woke up about 10:40 this morning and they are both up this morning. One bleed this morning but it stopped quick, so maybe it is better? 

I'd better grab a shower before my brother arrives with my moms medicines. She forgot to grab them yesterday when they were home. She has been a little frazzled. 

Hopefully I can get them back to a schedule and everyone eating again.

So glad I was here. Neither is driving at night anymore so glad I was here to chauffeur.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Binding time

 I managed to get the baby quilt pinned and machine quilted on Sunday. I was about halfway through the quilting before I realized I still had the regular 1/4 inch foot instead of the walking foot. Oops.

I just did straight lines down at the intersections and then did a X through the middle of the big dinosaur blocks. I might add a little hand quilting in the colored parts after I finish hand stitching the binding down. I'll have to wait and ship if off in August, as I am flying up to Vermont tomorrow for a week visit with my parents. I did not get to spend time with them when I was up before, since Dad was in the hospital the whole time and Mom stayed at their house closer to the hospital, rather than being out at camp with us. 

I also want to add an embroidered label with the baby's name and birth date as well. Something to do when I get home.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 I took a day to relax yesterday and other than making gumbo for dinner last night, I sat and hand quilted! I'm happy to say the 'inside' of the cat quilt is done. Time to move onto the first border of the mice. I still need to spritz out all the blue marking lines in the sashings. When I laid the quilt out to make sure I had all of them done, someone came over to inspect it. Bear laid down for a photo. A well trained dog! (Just holding this down for you mom!)

The dog has been walked. The chickens got some seed scattered in their run. The F1 race is about to start and the boy is up and ready for the race. 
Today I need to pin and quilt a 60x60 baby quilt. I'm hoping to have some binding for hand work this evening.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A little progress

 This is where I stopped stitching last night. I was listening to an Audiobook and my phone and ear buds ran out of battery. I guess it was time to head to bed!

If I keep plugging away at this daily, I am hopeful I can finish off the sashing and cornerstones by next weekend. Then I can fix a few of the applique mice and get those blocks quilted. 

Baby boy has arrived for my niece, so I really need to get that quilt pinned and quilted and bound and shipped to Colorado. We will see if I can get that done before I fly up to Vermont next Wednesday.

Monday, July 15, 2024

I have a baby top completed.

 This is 60x60 and needs a batting, backing and quilting. Baby appears to be overdue.... as the due date was last Tuesday and I have not heard anything yet. Each block is 10 inches finished. I hope my niece and her hubby like it. I found it much easier to wash a quilt than a carpet while the baby is on the floor playing. Aidan's monster quilt got washed about every other day for a few years. Still makes me smile when I see it on his bed. His is 60x60 as well..... my little 6 ft tall baby boy! Not bad for 16 years of usage. I hope this one gets as much use as his got.

To verify the block would come out to the correct size, I cut a 6.5 inch square from a couple of grey 10 inch squares and then some 2.5 inch strips and made 2 each of 2.5x6.5 and 2 each of 2.5x10.5. It worked.... and I might have started a new quilt. Oops!  I have had a stack of neutral 10 inch squares - lots of greys, browns, black and beige. Maybe these will be the black and greys with colors surrounding it for a throw? We will see what happens.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 The house is quiet. Everyone is sleeping but me. The dog has been walked and the chickens have been checked and fed some treats. Blueberry muffins are baking in the oven. I was able to add some stitches into the cat and mouse quilt.

It is a good thing I have seconds of some things. I guess I forgot a baggie of things up at the camp in Vermont. Good thing I am headed up in a couple of weeks for a quick visit with Mom and Dad. They are both doing great now he is back home. 

The cats have been oh so happy to have us home. Peanut is always on top of me, the needy little guy. Ollie just likes to be close.

Emily was so happy to go to the barn and ride a horse yesterday. It appears the trainer found out Boomer likes to jump! I mentioned Emily had an interest in it and had tried it a few times before. She set up a pole on the ground and he does like to trot over it! She setup half on a bucket for height and he was a happy horse. Emily did really well with him and the little jumps. 

I planned fajita's for dinner last night. I had gone and got steak and chicken and found a recipe online here. Right as I was thinking of starting some rice, Greg walked into the living room and asked if I could drive to rehab with him. It appears they did not give us the 3 day warning and his Dad was released as of 10AM and we finally got a call saying he was waiting for a ride! Yup - there will be a phone call on Monday asking what the heck happened. We got him settled in at home. My goodness, we set up his pills based on his release documents. Last time he was home for 2 days before kidney pain landed him in the ER/hospital. He was very unsteady on his feet. I am thinking this is not going to end well. We are hoping for the best and I'll check on him today.
When we got home, the kids had made the chicken recipe for Fajitas and there was just a little bit left and Greg grabbed that. I cooked up the steak and had that with some quick microwave rice and avocado. So much for the leftovers I was thinking there would be for my lunch salads! I guess the kids like this meal now.

I'll be spending time at the machine today working on a baby quilt. Dinosaurs are calling. 
Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitchers.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

RSC teal

 I have yet to go into the sewing room since I got home. The yard got mowed last night and Aidan and I were working on weeding the overgrown front yard the last few evenings once the heat of the day got down a bit. You can now use the walkway to reach the front door. We got over 10 inches of rain while we were gone at the house. The back yard bushes are still crazy, but the house is a bit presentable from the road now!

I went looking for my quilting thread last night to add some stitches to the teal cat and mouse quilt. Oops, left the neutral and blue up in the yarn bag at camp. Good thing I got 2 spools of that blue and grabbed the other one from the sewing room. I added a few stitches to the sashing and marked a few more to stitch.

Turns out, when you lay the quilt on the floor, the dog comes running and sniffs the quilt (it has been away for 3 weeks) and sits pretty for a photo. My phone was not handy, but to get him off, he needed a treat.

I inspected your quilt, Mom. It is safe to work on. 

I have a list of things to do in the sewing room today after I bring Emily to horses. 
My niece was due Tuesday with a baby boy. I have yet to start that quilt.... but I do have fabrics for the top and drew out this pattern. I might mix up the colors instead of having them in a row. We will see. The goal this weekend is to get it to a top stage.

The fabrics. I have a yellow in the stash to use as well.

Since I did not get much time with Mom and really none with Dad as he was in the hospital the whole time (he is home and back to normal now!), I am flying up to Vermont later this month for a week. It seems there is a direct flight again to Burlington VT from Orlando. My little carryon fits the personal item size... so I'm doing the basic cheap flight. 

Once the baby quilt is done, I'll work on catching up with the RSC. I've got Chicken blocks and Arkansas Traveller blocks to make!

Linking up with the RSC.