The chickens are finally all doing their job and we are getting 4-5 eggs a day! We are making sure that my MIL's friend is kept in stock with eggs as she is on a tight budget and goes through a lot of eggs. I did a couple of egg dishes for dinner on Monday night. I need to hard boil some tonight for deviled eggs. Greg used a few today making the birthday cheesecake with raspberries for the birthday boy.
Happy to be Scrappy
Quilting adventures and my journey through life.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Rsc in blue
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Weekend roundup
I'll start off with the crafty things. I attached two butterfly's to a 13 inch background fabric- buttercup Kona I believe. I used interfacing on the pink and tried to wing it on the light blue. I know to use the interfacing for the rest of them! I'm going to use the cut outs of the black hexagons for the bodies of them and then will embroider the antenna on. Hopefully that will be today's project.

I was going to spend the whole weekend at Sisters Retreat this weekend - Friday night until Sunday morning, but I opted for the day only on Saturday. I'm so glad I did but it was a long day. I live about 25 minutes from camp, and got there a bit before 8AM. I left a bit after 8PM last night. I just got up for the day around 3PM Sunday! I did get out of bed a few times but managed to go right back. I know I drank a lot of water and some electrolytes but a headache started this morning, and I probably just overdid it after being sick all month! It is a good day to rest!
This was the group photo taken right after opening ceremony on Saturday. That is the porch where I sat in one of the rocking chairs and got some crochet stitches in.
We next headed to the archery range and did some shooting at targets. I did hit it once! I guess I need more practice but that is always a fun one.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Table Scrap Challenge January
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
I used to have a Tiny Tuesday post which forced... I mean nudged me to make the block so I could post about it. I think I need to go back to that so that I will get off my phone and do something productive.
Since I have only done some crochet, I guess Tuesday will be the crochet update on the granny squares.
I have added a couple to the mix and started another one with the dark blue last night. I am changing the colors up to keep things interesting for me.
I am really not sure how I will be 'finishing' these off. I know I read a blog where she did 16 patches, like a quilt to get hers combined. I like the concept, but I was thinking making different nine patches might be fun with the 3 colors I am playing with. I am leaning towards using the grey to crochet them together with. This is 5 country blue and 4 light blue. I have more of the country blue so will plan to use 5 of those in the blocks and alternate with the light and dark blue.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Slow Sunday Stitching.
I really like Kathy's idea of 'touching' multiple projects to keep them moving. I think I'll give that a try today!
I will add a few threads into this fun Snowflake embroidery from my 2024 MSQC Jenny box.

I'll add one granny square to the pile. I made two in the light blue last night.

Saturday, January 25, 2025
RSC round 2 for the day!
I was thinking of riding today, but Lori figured it was pretty cold out and offered me a pass this morning. Emily and Kyra went early to give the horses some pampering before and after their 11AM lesson. She asked to be picked up around 2PM. So... I got to sew!
Those mistake Birds in the Air blocks were asking for one more set to be created in pink, so I obliged!

Friday, January 24, 2025
RSC in pink
I tried the birds in the air blocks again this week and made sure to have a completed block nearby while sewing these together.
These turned out correct....