Just wanted to wish the fathers in my life a very Happy Fathers Day. My FIL is coming over today and his request is my Taco Salad. I'll make that up in a bit for him. The kids and I made cinnamon rolls on Thursday for Greg's breakfast this morning. He got breakfast in bed.
I have wonderful memories of growing up and those special moments with Dad are always fun to think back on. Saturday morning was 'going to the dump' (garbage and recycle for those not in VT!). There was even going to the dump music on the AM radio station! Great times with Dad and they always included a stop at a little general store either at home or camp. At home - I got some penny candy - sweedish fish, my favorite while Dad chatted with the owner. Then there was Sunday mornings...when he always read the funnies to me....as he does with my kids now. Plus.... all those games of chutes and ladders and candy land after he had a long day at work. He always took the time and played games.... as a parent now I am in awe of the numerous games in a row he played without any complaints. I love you Dad. Can't wait to see you next month. Practice your backgammon.... we'll be challenging you to some games.
Grandpa R and Aidan and Emily at camp before we moved so age 3+2. |
My FIL Tom, Aidan and Greg - 2 years ago.
Now onto the quilty part of the blog! I had a wonderful day Friday. No work and the kids were at STEM camp. Free time for Mom. What did I do you ask? Well, lots of things and I am now set for hand work of any kind!
First I prepped a backing and pinned my June UFO. I did not feel like machine quilting it Friday... so it waits.
Then, I did some pressing of teal scraps.... pulled out my BITA list and no teal needed! Hmmmm.
I then prepped 4 blocks for the 1857 album quilt and about 6 border parts. I prepped the background and drew the lines on the back so I can back baste appliqué. I still need to pull fabrics. I also made my corner peels for the blocks I have done already. This is a shot of the blocks I have completed so far.
I also marked the sewing lines on the next round of my trip around the world quilt. I have added a blue side and might be able to add some more today. I am on round 20 so have 80 squares to add this round.
Then I found my dresden plates in green and appliquéd them to their white background. I just need to add their frames and then pin them for hand quilting. I decided to do quilt as you go with these 16 inch blocks. A white sashing will connect them all. The orange one is how they all will look before hand quilting.
Then... I had dug into the bucket of hand work earlier this week and found some pink hexies. I pulled that UFO project out to figure out what happened. Oh yea.... that last row did not hand stitch on correctly. I pulled it out and it needs to get reattached. I had the teal and bright green out so I cut and prepped some more hexagons and made a few more flowers. I just need to make a white row and then attach them. I think it might be done at that point for a little wall hanging....but we'll see. This will get hand quilted whenever it decides to be done.
So many choices but much better than last week when I wanted to do hand work at night but had nothing prepped! That is remedied and I love having options.
Linking up with
Kathy's Quilts and other slow stitchers this weekend. I think the row of hexagons will get added back today and blue squares will be added to the trip quilt. But who knows, that applique may be calling my name =)