Progress was made on my One Monthly Goal, but it is not a quilt yet. Good thing there are a few more days in the month. Might there be more progress made before December? We will see.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
OMG - progress
Saturday, November 26, 2022
November Table Scrap Challenge
I went into the sewing room planning to finish off the black star block. Alas, I left the black fabrics on the cutting table 3 weeks ago and 'someone' showed his displeasure with my lack of sewing time this month on it. It has now been through the wash twice and dried... so I cut and made the brown star block I needed.
While there, I had these bits of Kansas Troubles fabrics on the cutting board, so I sewed them together and got this 6 x 6.5 inch little mug rug. Instead of a binding, I did the easy turn method.
Friday, November 25, 2022
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
I did add a little stitching to this on Sunday. I did not pick it up last night at all.
Greg has been doing the running this week and took Emily to school to feed the animals Monday and Tuesday morning, then took the dog to get his nails trimmed Monday and took Aidan for his first cavity (filling) at age 14 and some sealants added to his back teeth on Tuesday. I got the guitar lesson trip Monday night and might do the animal feeding driving Tuesday afternoon. We will see. It is nice to not be running here and there all the time!
With F1 racing done for the season, Aidan and I were chatting about his F1 subscription on the way home last night. Turns out, they have the old races available for watching so he pulled up a race at Spa from 1998 I think. Lots of crashes and only 6 or 7 finished the race! Lots of comments on the lack of safety measures and the picture quality. Was it really that bad... I guess we have improved things a lot in the last 25 years!
Sunday, November 20, 2022
A lazy Sunday
It is a rainy cool day today. I am being a wee bit lazy today and resting. I did get up and watch the last F1 race of the year this morning. Grandma came and picked up Emily for the day. Seems Aidan was up chatting with a friend online until 3AM and is quite tired today!
I should go sew the last 2 16 patch stars in the sewing room... but I think I'll put on a movie and do some hand quilting on the Bear Paw quilt today instead!

I did make some progress on EPP and Brimfield Awakening this week. I need to prep some more fabrics to keep moving on this as well. I'm planning to try this flat back stitching when I put them together.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
A day in the woods at Girl Scout Camp
Friday, November 18, 2022
Mail call!
I've eagerly been awaiting a Mystery bundle from Missouri Star Quilts to arrive. I figured a variety of fabrics would be a fun way to spend my birthday $ this year.
I was very happy with the bundle and Emily was kind enough to lay them all out. Quite a variety of fabrics, batiks, some cute chickadee and snowmen and a lovely Dr. Seuss in the kitchen. It will be fun to add these into scrappy projects. Quite a few are half a yard or more. Only one is a 4 inch WOF.
I also got my fabric bundles I ordered for the Bonnie Hunter mystery this year from Cotton to Quilts. I'll add a bit from my stash as well, but this will help to add some variety in the purple, light teal and oranges. The orange and purple really needed some enhancement! There is an adorable orange with white spider webs from the above mystery bundle that will get added to the quilt too!
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Brimfield Awakening
I had cut out parts for this project a while ago and yesterday was the day to start in on them. I need to prep a bunch more and figure out how I will lay them out in their blocks. I am using a few charm packs for these, so they are on the purple to blue spectrum. I also have 2 of them in pinks, purple and blues that should coordinate well.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Slow Stitching Sunday
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
November and December are finish up months. I made a couple of black 16 patches this week and hope to make a couple of brown ones tomorrow. Then one each will get some flying geese added to make them into the final 2 stars I need to finish off this quilt.
Friday, November 11, 2022
No issues from TS Nicole at my place
Not too much happened on Thursday at our house. I watched a few movies on DVD in the afternoon and evening. We did play a few rounds of domino's. Notice no one helped me start my train before Emily went out? Good thing for the community train.

Thursday, November 10, 2022
TS Nicole
The kids are off school today due to potential wind gusts over the bus road limit (35 or 40 mph). It looks like a rainy day for us.
Turns out the dog was not too excited to go outside in the rain.... until I put my rain coat on and went out with him. He did doggie zoomies, galloped around the yard, checked on the chickens and then finally did his business. We took him to the pet store last night and got him a new bone, which he is busy chewing on right now. That should keep him busy.
Today will be a game playing day with the kids I think. Domino's and Rumicube will get some attention. Maybe a puzzle will come out of a box as well. Hopefully the power stays on, but I did fill up water containers just in case and still have frozen blocks of ice in the freezer still from Ian. We have a well that runs on electricity. I am enjoying the cooler temps.... it was still in the mid to upper 80's until the storm came through and dropped to the high 60's and low 70's.
Might there be some sewing as well? We will see.
Have a great Thursday everyone.
Monday, November 7, 2022
Another week has started but what progress was made over the weekend?
I did get a little time to play on Saturday and have 10 of the star blocks made. I'd like to add a black and a brown to the mix, so I can have a little more dark in the quilt to balance out all the bright colors. That is the goal this week - to get those last 2 blocks made.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Slow Sunday..... or not!
I have been doing a little hand work this week but not much. I added a few of the granny squares to the pile and I decided to lay them out and see how they look. Still not sure how they will be put together, but it is coming along. Peanut likes to chew yarn, so it has been much easier leaving things out in the living room while working on them since he refuses to go out there now with the dog. I should have laid these out there instead of in my sewing room where he likes to hang out.