I was able to get the YBR top put together on Sunday afternoon while the kids were napping. It currently looks like this:

I saw a beautiful batik at the fabric store on Saturday that I am going to use for the backing of this...it is a creamy background with pretty prints in it of purple, yellow and teals. I'll plan to quilt this one sometime next spring.
I also did a scrappy pinwheel block last week for my guild BOM and decided I really liked it so have been digging through my scrap box of fabrics and cutting out a bunch so that I can make a scrappy pinwheel quilt. The pattern is from a Kim Brackett book. I'll just work on that as I can. This is the one for my guild BOM.

I also did a scrappy 90x4 inch row for one of our guild charity quilts for next year. It is currently two 45x4 rows, I just need to combine them before friday.

The next goal is to finish that Cardinal quilt this month so it can be hanging up after Thanksgiving in the dining room. I need to machine stitch around the wings (never done this before so that is the hesitation I think) and then I am going to just machine quilt it instead of hand quilting it like I had planned.
I've also been gathering a bunch of 30's prints that I will use to make Emily her 'big girl' quilt for her twin bed that she'll get next spring. I plan to make a Judy Martin pattern - a log cabin with tulips in the light part. Her Daddy asked me to make her a quilt for her bed in 'girly' colors so that is what I came up with. I need to make a sample block sometime soon to make sure I can cut it with the rulers I have and have it come out correctly.....if not I'll be ordering her ruler to make the quilt.
Another possability is to do the new Bonnie Hunter 'Cotton' quilt mystery. I've saved off her last 2 but still haven't done one of hers... I am thinking this might be one that I do along with the clues but we'll see how the next few weeks go.
I also need to make my last 2 blocks for my guild BOM's from last year. I plan to make a block with 2 kayaks and then I think my 'center' block will be a state of vermont block. I'm thinking that in the middle with a plain blue border around that and then all the 12 inch blocks around that. That one needs to be done by March... so may bump up in the priority list.
Lots to do... so think I'll eat that last piece of birthday cake and then jump into the sewing room and get some things done.
Happy sewing.