A bunch of things got crossed off the list today!
My Sunday actually started off really early! The girl had a midnight pick up from school from the band competition. They pulled in right at midnight. It took them a bit to unload the bus, then unload the trailer of all their things - the percussion, big stand xylophones, the riser for the drum major to stand on to lead and all their 'stuff'. I think we pulled out of the school lot around 12:40 and we got home at 1AM. They finished 6th... of 6 in their division, but did improve on their marks from the previous competition. They have PreMPA Tuesday night local and then MPA on Saturday up in Gainesville. That would have been local, but that one is when our school has homecoming.
I had a lazy morning of enjoying my coffee while visiting the RSC blogs from Saturday. I liberarted the dog from Emily's room around 8:20 so she could sleep in. Others emerged from their rooms at 9AM, 10AM and close to noon! I do enjoy the quiet of morning all by myself =)
A trip to the grocery store.... and then another trip, since it seems we were out of cream cheese and the girl needed a block to make Taco Salad for munching on during the race. While out the second time, I gassed up the car and washed it and got it vacuumed. It really needed it. Between those two things, I got a quilt machine quilted! Just easy wiggle lines every 4 inches or so but it is done and trimmed. I pieced the binding but I'm waiting on the helper to press it in half for me. She has about 45 minutes, and then I'll just do it and machine stitch it to the top of the quilt. Some hand stitching might happen on the binding of it tonight. I made these blocks from the Civil War Diary books from photo's back in 2014 I believe. It was my first attempt at drafting from a photo to make a block. I really did not like the blocks at all (why they sat for years untouched!)... until I put them in this setting. Now I love it! A photo
of the top before I rolled it onto the boards and got it pinned.
While watching the F1 race this afternoon, I did some surgery on the pig quit for a friend. Her favorite aunt made it for her (she loves anything pig related!) and has since passed. The black fabric as a surround of one block had frayed. I made that piece and hand appliqued it down. Not perfect, but should make the quilt usable again. I'll give it a gentle wash before I hand it back at a meeting on Wednesday night.

The Bear Paw quilt (made around 2000, if you can believe it!) is finally onto the quilting of the side triangles. I think I'll get them all done then bind it. Then finish quilting that outer border of HST's. It worked the last quilt so I'm going to try it again!
I love to try new foods and had mentioned empanadas to the kids. Well, a Mom from the girls scout troop sent a message last week saying her Mom was making Empanada's to sell and they would be ready for Sunday. I ordered a set of the beef ones. They got delivered this afternoon and I can't wait to try them tomorrow for dinner!