I have yet to add a stitch to the binding on the Civil War quilt. Maybe tonight? Let's see what has been going on....
Monday, was a work day and a late pick up for Emily with marching band. I had ordered some beef empanadas from a friend and they were for dinner with some rice and black beans. Aidan fried them up for me while I worked on the sides. I did get the hearts sewn into rows tonight and the binding pressed and attached to the front of the quilt.
Tuesday was another late day for Emily. She had a pre MPA tonight at a local high school that I went to to watch. All the high schools in Marion County attended and presented their show. It ran a little late, so we didn't get home until after 10:30. I don't think Emily went to bed until an hour after that. She said she was finally awake around noon on Wednesday..... yea, she gets to school before 8! Dinner was greek style - greek rub on chicken tenders grilled in the grill pan with salad and pita and tzatziki.
Wednesday was a half day at school, so they got out 2 hours early. The high school just shortens the 6 periods of classes and throws lunch at the end of the day. The kids opt out of lunch and head to the car line and come home instead. 1600 students would not fit into the small cafeteria. I don't think either goes in there as they each bring their lunch normally and sit at the outside tables. I finished off my work day mid afternoon and then made tater tot casserole for dinner. I ate early, since we had a girl scout area planning meeting last night for the upcoming Harry Potter Event in November. Emily went and attended the GEM's meeting and got 2 hours of volunteering! A stop at Target since we were down that way to refill the soda stream canisters and someone wanted twistee treat on the way home.
Today will be a riding a horse day for me but first I need to walk the dog who keeps bugging me since I am 20 minutes late in bringing him. *** just got back and I guess he was barking at the real Bear outside last night. He got 3 trashes along our walk route this morning and 2 had bear proof cans!

The hearts should become a top today and maybe I'll start on the binding of the other quilt tonight?
Emily is a late pickup tonight and tomorrow and then they have the MPA (judged competition) up in Gainesville on Saturday. I plan to go to that to see them so it will be a long day Saturday. At least this one is about an hour away, the last one was 2.5 hours away. I'd better get off the computer and moving or nothing will get done!
Always fun to see what is going on at your house! It is the state marching competition this weekend, too, except that it is supposed to be 35 degrees and snowy. I feel for those parents! So glad to see those pretty heart blocks come out to play. And a bear in the neighborhood - wow!
they don't serve kids lunch until the end of the school day? That sounds like a long day with no food - what time do they start classes? I would be starving and have a hard time to pay attention.
Have fun riding horses
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