I took the kids to the Medieval Times Castle dinner and show last night in Kissimmee, Florida. Greg opted out of going as it would have been a long time in the car with his back pain returning to a level 3 pain this month. It took longer than I was thinking to get there - about 1.5 hours. Well, slightly more with some traffic in the afternoon. We did the early show at 5PM and by the end both kids had fun. Aidan enjoyed it more than Emily for some reason. Seems a bunch of his friends have been in the past and said it was fun. The horses were pretty and did some dancing. There was jousting, skill events on horses and our Blue Knight won the tournament! I had forgotten (I went maybe 25 years ago?) there were no utensils! The meal was yummy. Lots of yelling and cheering might have happened. Sorry for the order of the photo's. They loaded funny.
Friday, December 30, 2022
Medieval Times Castle
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
2022 Finishes
I got a very slow start this year as I was dragging my feet on working on the memory quilt for Olivia. I went looking through my quilt album on Facebook and realized I had not been placing everything where it should be! A few moves and some looking through the blog to find those finished quilts that were missing. Let's take a look and see how I did, shall we?
The Ravelry UFO Challenge has been a big help in getting some old UFO's finished off. I am itching to start some new things in 2023 or grab some kits I have that have been hanging around.
I liked the idea of doing one Hexagon a day in 2021 and would like to do something one a day in 2023 but have yet to decide on anything. Maybe monthly and change things up a bit? I have been paging through quilt books and magazines and there are plenty of quilts I would love to make. Paring things down is the problem.
** Edited and linking up with the RSC since quite a few of these finishes are rainbow challenge quilts.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Tuesday musings...

Saturday we headed to Grandma's house in the late afternoon as we were going out to eat at Outback to celebrate Papa Andy's 90th birthday on Christmas. A nice meal and then we headed back to Grandma's house. She loves Christmas. We do some games to win 'prizes' - CLR, Skunk, war and pass the gas were the games this year. No Toilet paper or cans of beans this year for prizes! I got the yard of Twix candy bars. I also completely forgot to take any photo's! Then it was gift time. My children are very abnormal. They opened their gifts last! Papa Andy went first - since he was the birthday boy. Then Grandma and she had to open the gifts they got her first. Then Greg and I, then the kids! They have always preferred to watch others open their gifts they got people first. We got home around 10PM and then I had to write up the 'clues' for the kids for the morning. Emily filled the stockings (she and I had purchased things for them on Monday). I've never tried to compete with Grandma for Christmas, so the kids usually only got a few presents from Santa. This year they got one or two things and 'experiences'. I'm taking them to the Medieval Times dinner theater on Thursday evening. I think they will have fun!
Sunday, we had a late for us morning start. Emily made us hot Cocoa and then once Aidan got up we opened presents. Yup, I did let them do their stockings and follow their clues. Then they had us open the presents they had gotten for everyone. Both of Greg's parents came over for nibbles around noonish. I did appetizers and there was way too much food. I think I'll go back to a meal next year instead. Greg's Dad, Tom came over and got his gifts and the extra taco salad to go home with him. Grandma and Papa Andy came over as well and we had a birthday cake after nibbles. They all headed home, and Emily and I headed to the school for animal duty. There was an egg in the chicken coop that we got to take home! The next day - our Maple chicken finally started laying good eggs. She started laying eggs without the shell on Thursday but got it figured out Monday for a good egg. I wonder when the other 2 will start laying again? These are the 3 chickens that are left - Poppy who does my green eggs, and Maple and DC (Daisy Chickalotta) who lay large to extra large light brown eggs. I've been having to buy eggs since the end of November! Time for these girls to earn their keep.
Monday was a lazy day but we did a dog walk and I managed to get my star quilt pinned finally. I took Aidan to guitar last night, so it is not quilted yet. Maybe tonight? I did do some dog toy surgery this morning and 3 of his stuffed animals are back in his toy box.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Florida Museum of Natural History.
Does anyone else remember doing the punch bug when you see a VW beetle car? I might have started that a couple of years ago with the kids. I sent this photo to Emily so I could her when we got home! Someone has a sense of humor at the museum when they were showing the categories of beetles!
While we were gone, the elf decided to do some climbing!
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Tuesday before Christmas.
Nope, I'm not ready yet and no sewing has happened, and I doubt any hand work will with whatever I did to my wrist yesterday! Just a strain but it hurts lifting anything. I am able to type, so that is a good thing.
Saturday - I took Emily to horses in the morning and then took Aidan shopping for jeans and we did a few other errands and lunch out. Emily got picked up by a friend who was in town for the weekend and went out to lunch and shopping and then back to where they are staying for most of the rest of the day. Sunday I dropped Emily over to her friends again from 12-3 while I ran some errands. After picking her up, we headed to Grandma's house and then headed over to Homasassa Springs for the evening light show and then the Chinese Buffet near her for a late 8PM dinner. We got to see some nice music to the lights and manatees! I love seeing the Manatees and try to see them each year. Grandma loves to do the light show and this is a yearly tradition for us. Unfortunately, Greg was unable to do any of these things with us.
Monday - Emily had a dentist appointment and needed to grab a gift for an exchange at her girl scout meeting tonight. Greg was ok with the appointment but with the added shopping, he opted out with his back. I logged into work and said I was out for the day. We left around 10 and hit Walmart. Then a stop at UPS to drop a return and then to the dentist. Oops, 2 sealants but a cavity was found. They had an opening at 1PM. We got a quick McD's for lunch and back to the dentist. A pop to the bank to make some deposits and then Kohls. She wanted to pick out the yearly Christmas evening PJ's for everyone! At that point it was after 3PM, they did not have her size in the one she liked. Rather - the one they had had a medium top and a large bottom! I ordered it online and we will see if it arrives in time or not. She had the afternoon feeding of the chapter animals, so we went directly to the school and fed the lamb, pig and heifer and she cleaned their areas and watered them. They each got time to run out of their area as well, except for the cow. She has a nice big area. We picked up Subs at Publix and got home in time for her to wrap her presents while I exercised the dog. Yes, the boys were home all day! We popped back out to go to the girl scout holiday ice cream party and gift exchange. When we got home right before 8PM, Aidan said it was race time. He is rewatching the F1 2021 season with his F1 Subscription. They have the races back to the 1980's. We watched the 4th race and highlights of the 5th one before I headed to bed. Somewhere Monday I strained my right wrist and it hurt all night long! I need to find my hand/wrist compression glove.
Today - working and meetings. Then Emily is headed to school in the afternoon to get some training on showing the heifer.
Just another day in the life around here!