Saturday, July 29, 2023
Snowy Sunday Stitching
Thursday, July 27, 2023
RSC in red
I got a little time to sew this week and prepped some reds for the split nine patch blocks. I always pull one out of the box as a reference to help with placement of the squares.
I think they turned out pretty good! 8 blocks to add to the mix.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
I kinda did something stupid yesterday. The weeds have taken over everywhere and the ones poking out by the entrance to the front door were driving me nuts..... so I kinda pulled some of them yesterday morning after dropping Emily to school. Yup, big mistake. I don't think I got much sleep last night cause no matter which way I turned, my back hurt. I did wake up ok with Ollie cats butt against my hurting back spot so I must have slept for a few hours early this morning. I last remember seeing 3:40 on the clock. I think his weight and warmth against it helped.
The advil has kicked in and I was able to get up from my chair at work without issues for lunch, so that is a positive! I did my normal walk out to see the chickens and collected an egg. I got 2 yesterday and none the day before. The dog likes to go out around this time with me and explore a bit.
I have not made much progress with any sewing projects, but I did find these two things.
My pattern and fabrics for the Christmas Cactus Wreath - that I'll plan to do as part of an unbegun challenge this last half of the year. My 'hope' is to have it done and ready to display on the kitchen wall for the month of December. It is a 60x60 quilt.
I also found a charm pack of these reds to make my split nines for the RSC this week. I think I need to make 8 blocks to get my quota for the month. I cut some of the charms into 2.5x5 inch strips.Yesterday we had some good thunderstorms roll through late morning. An unusual time for storms to go through - normally we get the late afternoon ones with the Atlantic and gulf breezes mixing in the afternoon above central Florida for a quick storm to cool things down a tad. This storm was intense and close. It knocked the pin from the transformer across the street which left us without power for a couple of hours. The dog notified me someone was 'out there', so I walked out and checked it out. It was not raining at that point and just a little thunder in the distance. It was neat watching him use the tools from the ground to knock the bad switch off and attach the new one. Just like that, the power was back on! Which means the internet came back and then I had to continue working! It was a nice 2 hour break snuggling with this one who thinks he is a lap dog. Did you know, those new fangled recliners that require electricity to work.... don't work very well when the power is out? I was trying to find a comfortable way to sit and this recliner has the old school handle, so I was using this one and the dog decided to jump up and join me.
Monday, July 24, 2023
Lazy, lazy
Forgot to post this yesterday!
I have been very lazy the last few days. The back is better, until I forget and bend down or turn the wrong way. No where near the pain Wednesday, thank goodness but I know it is there.
I did manage to cut a few more reds the make my second kite block for the month.

I am unable to find the box of red scraps...and bending and tugging things around the sewing room is not a great idea right now (ummm, should have remembered that before trying to find my Christmas Cactus Wreath kit Thursday!).
I might make the split nines this week, we will see how it goes. I think I have a charm pack of the red/tans I used for the Harmony quilt and if I can find that, will make the blocks out of that.
I am in the process of defrosting the fridge/freezer (Sunday). The model we have is terrible and the back ice part of the freezer keeps freezing over and then the fan makes the most annoying sound and it does not stop! I vacated the living room yesterday to watch tv in the bedroom because of the noise.... well, and the boy kept muttering (loudly) in the front room his wheel was not working right with his F1 game. Watching Back to the Future 3 in the bedroom was a much quieter experience with just 2 cats vying for my petting attention. So, this is my 2-3 time a year defrosting of the fan, while I have a Harry Potter movie on.
The kids start school in a few weeks (Aug 10!). Emily starts a week of marching band camp - 8-5 M-Th this week. Next week it is for a few hours every evening. She is out school shopping today with Grandma. Aidan is going on Tuesday for his day out with Grandma. They do lunch and then she gives them a set amount of money to get what they need for clothes, and they keep whatever they don't spend.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Another day....
Well, while I was walking Bear yesterday morning we met up with 3 wild turkeys on the way home. They were on our street, so I had to go past them. I did not have my phone with me..... but that would not have mattered as no one was awake in the house. Sigh, Bear saw them as 2 were running away and he is strong. Lets just say my shoe came off and I wrenched my back holding him back from chasing them. I did get him home and didn't think too much about it. Took my shower and logged onto work. After sitting for over an hour... I tried to get up from my chair. Oh boy, my back was killing me. Once I got up I was mostly ok as long as I didn't bend down. Advil was the key and yes I did ice it a bit to get through the work day.
I have a bunch to do at work after being gone 3 weeks, so floated working today to get things done.... but my boss never got back to me with approval so I guess I get my normal day off and the work will be pushed back 1 day on the timeline!
That means I'll wander into the sewing room and see about the split nine patches today and maybe start a Christmas wall hanging that I have had the pattern and a jelly roll for about 16 or 17 years now.
I did a little binding stitching on the Frosty's last night. I still need to hand quilt around the frosty's and I plan to do a cross hatch behind them in the block. I just need to decide how much space between them. I am thinking one inch and see how it looks with the hera marker. Bad photo but a bit of binding stitched down.

As for meals.... Monday night was some carnita's with cilantro lime rice and fresh salsa. Tuesday Emily made a risotto with the broth I made from the chicken carcass over the weekend. Yesterday was going to be Gumbo, but I didn't think driving was smart, so it got put off to today. I had purchased some frozen crab cakes from Sams so Aidan cooked those up last night with some rosemary roasted potato. He took pity on me and said he'd handle dinner when he saw me attempt to get baking sheets out of the cabinet. I added some leftover salad in the fridge from the previous night to mine. I need to pop out and get andouille sausage for the Gumbo. I think we have everything else we need. We will see how it turns out!
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Monday, July 17, 2023
I have been extremely lazy the last 3 days. Might have needed to recover from all that driving on Wednesday and Thursday to get home!
A request was made to show the girls. I snapped some photo's yesterday. There are the older 3 - I only collected 2 eggs so one of the Plymouths (the black and white ones) is not pulling her weight!
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Slow Stitching Sunday...
I hope to make progress on hand stitching the binding down on the charity quilt that I'll need to ship to Vermont. It did not get any work done on it while up there. I have tried to start working on it now that I am home, but every time I start to work on it......
Saturday, July 15, 2023
RSC in red
After a walk of the dog this morning and then bringing Emily to ride Lance (horse) about half of the day was over! The temps when she got done around noon was feels like 109. Sigh, I miss Vermont temperatures. I did drink a 20 ounce water and a 20 ounce power zero. That power zero is a must for me daily with the temps down here or my electrolytes get off and my saline gets too low. That would land me in the ER so, this is a preventative measure I have been doing for years.
I ventured into the sewing room and moved a few things around to get to my sewing space. I pulled a few reds and some background fabric and cut out a few kites for one of my two red blocks. It joined the rest of the bunch. I had done a light blue and light green for last month. I'll make my next kite tomorrow and then work on the split nine patches this week. I need to make some light blue and greens along with the reds to keep up with those blocks.
Linking up with the RSC.
Made it home Thursday night about 11:45 PM with an arrival temperature of 80 degrees and humid. Yup, Florida in the summer! I do miss Vermont.
We headed home mid morning on Wednesday and did a stop in Deerfield, MA to visit the Yankee Candle Flagship store. They have a maze of rooms with Christmas themes from all over the world.

Aidan loved it. Lots of smelling of candles happened. We might have picked up some Christmas ornaments and some candles. Then it was a long drive home. We made it to Maryland on Wednesday and managed to check into a hotel/suite where their computer system had been down since 3PM. They had a rough afternoon. I had to call and book through the phone since the online system was down. Their credit card system was also down for the evening. The room was nice and we had a good nights sleep and breakfast the next morning. Then it was a long drive home the next day - about 13 hours of driving. I checked and there are over 3,000 miles on the car from the last 3 weeks.
It is nice to be home and the cats are enjoying all the attention. The dog is tickled pink Emily is home and has been loving up to everyone. I went through the fridge crispers and tossed and then headed to Aldi to restock fruits and veggies. I think I'll have Aidan drive me to Sams and pick up a roaster chicken for dinner so I don't have to cook. That and a nice salad and some roasted or mashed potato will be dinner.
I really should throw in a batch of laundry and then visit the sewing room... but I think I'll pop on a movie and work on hand stitching some binding instead for a little bit.
I'm going to have Aidan drive the car through the car wash today too.... that should be an interesting experience for him as a new driver! Then he can vacuum the car from our travels. Update - he did a great job driving onto the track for the drive through and the car got a nice vacuum.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Vermont, does not want me to go!
Thursday, July 6, 2023
A trail ride and bingo kind of day.
We started the very hot day (high 80's feels like 91!) on a trail ride in the mountains of Vermont. It was Aidan's first time on a horse. Notice the huge horse Ms. Emily is riding!
Then we stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things before heading back to camp. A quick lunch and then it was time to get into the water. Both kids were floating and swimming and I got mostly wet and in a tube for about 45 minutes. Then the kids wanted to go out and jump off the boat. So we did!
Dinner was in the crock pot - silly us had planned corned beef and cabbage and veggies days ago before we saw how hot it would be! Oh well, there was not much left. A quick clean up of the dishes and then it was off to Bingo. A dollar or baked good to get in and 2 cards for $1. High stakes! Mom won one game and I won one game. The kids were both one number away from winning at one point. Mom and Aidan picked a baked good - so muffins and a bit of cake came home with us.
My siblings took my parents out on June 15th for their 60th wedding annivarsay. It seems they want to go again with me and the kids so tomorrow 17 of us will be going out for dinner to celebrate.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Wednesday at the lake
A quiet day after the 4th.
The quiet morning after a busy 4th of July! I was the only one up this morning early (a little after 7AM) to enjoy the peaceful lake with the birds chirping to each other.