Thursday, July 6, 2023

A trail ride and bingo kind of day.

 We started the very hot day (high 80's feels like 91!) on a trail ride in the mountains of Vermont. It was Aidan's first time on a horse. Notice the huge horse Ms. Emily is riding! 

Then we stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things before heading back to camp. A quick lunch and then it was time to get into the water. Both kids were floating and swimming and I got mostly wet and in a tube for about 45 minutes. Then the kids wanted to go out and jump off the boat. So we did!

Dinner was in the crock pot - silly us had planned corned beef and cabbage and veggies days ago before we saw how hot it would be! Oh well, there was not much left. A quick clean up of the dishes and then it was off to Bingo. A dollar or baked good to get in and 2 cards for $1. High stakes! Mom won one game and I won one game. The kids were both one number away from winning at one point. Mom and Aidan picked a baked good - so muffins and a bit of cake came home with us. 

My siblings took my parents out on June 15th for their 60th wedding annivarsay. It seems they want to go again with me and the kids so tomorrow 17 of us will be going out for dinner to celebrate. 


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Looks like fun! Did Aidan enjoy his trail ride? Glad you have the lake there to cool off in!

Moneik said...

Looks like you're having a fabulous time. I would think 60 years is worth celebrating again and again. Congrats to your parents.

Julierose said...

What a great time of it you are all having--just what summer vacation is all about--friends, family, and good food!! Enjoy your time with your folks...
hugs, Julierose
P.S. Tell Emily: My 9 year old granddaughter, Willa, just learned how to canter at her horseback riding camp this summer--she is estatic!!
And she is definitely horse-crazy ;)))

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Great summer vacation. I miss my trail rides - ah the memories. A full week of riding from Larado Texas to San Antonio Texas and then doing the Rodeo parade…. Great memories in my mind. Hugs