Forgot to post this yesterday!
I have been very lazy the last few days. The back is better, until I forget and bend down or turn the wrong way. No where near the pain Wednesday, thank goodness but I know it is there.
I did manage to cut a few more reds the make my second kite block for the month.

I am unable to find the box of red scraps...and bending and tugging things around the sewing room is not a great idea right now (ummm, should have remembered that before trying to find my Christmas Cactus Wreath kit Thursday!).
I might make the split nines this week, we will see how it goes. I think I have a charm pack of the red/tans I used for the Harmony quilt and if I can find that, will make the blocks out of that.
I am in the process of defrosting the fridge/freezer (Sunday). The model we have is terrible and the back ice part of the freezer keeps freezing over and then the fan makes the most annoying sound and it does not stop! I vacated the living room yesterday to watch tv in the bedroom because of the noise.... well, and the boy kept muttering (loudly) in the front room his wheel was not working right with his F1 game. Watching Back to the Future 3 in the bedroom was a much quieter experience with just 2 cats vying for my petting attention. So, this is my 2-3 time a year defrosting of the fan, while I have a Harry Potter movie on.
The kids start school in a few weeks (Aug 10!). Emily starts a week of marching band camp - 8-5 M-Th this week. Next week it is for a few hours every evening. She is out school shopping today with Grandma. Aidan is going on Tuesday for his day out with Grandma. They do lunch and then she gives them a set amount of money to get what they need for clothes, and they keep whatever they don't spend.
Sorry to hear that back is still giving you some discomfort--
I do love shopping this time of the year--as I stock up on my office supplies--Today I found the big packs of red pens that I use in my cross word books--was almost out and they are hard to find any more--but they are in the school supplies this time of the year--I mainly shop at the Dollar Tree for the supplies, but I get post it notes, little notebooks, plastic containers ect!! I never got to go shopping for school supplies when I was in school, my parents always did it--so I make up for now!!!!!!!!
hugs, di
I hope you find your red scraps soon. Your blocks look amazing. Sounds like a busy week ahead. It is hard to believe that it is school time already. Have a wonderful week.
I'm glad your back is better - hope each day continues that trend! Your kite blocks are pretty in red, too. It doesn't seem like it could possibly be time for school to start again. But it is almost August, isn't it?!
your back sounds like my left hip - it doesn't bother me until I get up to move! Hope your back feels better soon.
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