Part of the RSC is the Table Scrap Challenge. This month squares were added to the color of dark green. I had all kinds of ideas, alas my supply of green scraps was tossed last year and there were few scraps left in that color range. I was thinking of making a shamrock runner using squares and triangles. Not enough scraps in the colors I wanted. Another idea was four patches surrounded to make a square.
When I looked around and pulled the little bits of dark green I found these squares that I pulled off the hand pieced trip quilt from a few years ago.
I spent Thursday morning unpicking all 4 sets and then ironed the 2.5 inch squares to be flat. I managed to reuse them in a couple of ways! I made a few 16 patch blocks to add to the pile.
Then with the rest I made this place mat! It feels good to have those extra bits of fabric repurposed into something usable.
I decided to do some straight line quilting through the squares. I used some brown for the binding.
I still need to make the crossed canoe blocks so it is a good thing we sill have a few mores days of May!
I guess they don't do 8th grade graduation down here in Florida but Greg and I thought we should recognize it so we got Aidan a cake on his last day of Middle School Thursday. The last day of school was Hat day... and his robotics team of 3 decided to wear their purple cowboy hats from the tournament in February. He actually wore it all day long... and his 3 block teachers got a kick out of it. His gifted teacher said - 'a quiet kid for 3 years and then the last day of school wears a light up purple cowboy hat!', Robotics teacher just smiled when they all wore it in his class, his science teacher had 2 of them in class and asked what the light up purple hats were about so they explained it. It was a good day and it only took 7 minutes in the car ride home to start worrying about High School!

Tonight - the dog managed to get into the chicken run! Emily was a little traumatized and got Maple - a barred rock chicken out of his mouth and got Bear out and into the house. Lily - the one who plays a parrot on our shoulder was hurt under the coop. We put her in the safety of the coop and will see how she does. We think she has a leg injury but will check on her in a few hours. The others (Molly, Poppy, Myrtle, DC and Rosie) seem ok physically. I guess the new fencing to go around the coop is first on the list tomorrow morning. Maple seemed ok - was eating seed out of Emily's hand and getting around the run ok after an hour. **Update this morning. Maple seems fine but Lily is still in the coop laying down.
Never a dull moment at my house.