A lot of other bloggers do a show and tell of things they have completed in the year. I love looking at them and wanted to see what I have accomplished in the sewing room this year. My sewing room has changed a few times this year - it started out in Georgia Vermont, moved to my parents house in Central Vermont for about 6 weeks (thanks for letting us use the house Mom and Dad) and then the 3 day driving car trip with 2 toddlers and 2 cats in mid September to our new home in central Florida! It has been quite a year for my little family. I'm happy to say everyone has adjusted well and we are very happy in our new house while embarking upon a 'new' life with opening a business early next year.
Between the UFO challenge at my guild in Vermont and the Scrap Happy Rainbow Challenge I was able to get a few things finished over the year. Not including being chair to a quilt show in April where I made over a dozen little maple sugar houses for prize ribbons. This is a picture of the display of all the ribbons at the show... the others were made by guild members.

Scrappy Pinwheel - which lives on my couch for me to cuddle up under at night.

Vermont Challenge Quilt - lives at my parents summer camp on one of the beds.

as seen at the quilt show..

Easter Eggs quilt. I think this was part of the purple challenge.

Big Blue triangle quilt - I gave to Bonnie E to quilt and donate to the hospital. It seems I don't have a picture of this one. It used the leftover big 8 inch HST's from making my parents anniversary quilt in blue and white.
Red/Black BOM stars quilt - donated to my friend Kelly for a Lacing up for Cancer raffle in June.

Kitty challenge blocks - from a block swap back in the late 90's. I guess I don't have a picture of the completed little quilt... and I'm too lazy to go take it out of the box and take a picture. Yes, I still don't have things up on the walls yet in the majority of the house. That is this weeks mission.

Yellow Brick Road quilt in purple and yellow for my niece Kristin who graduated from high school in June and is now at college in Boston.

Log Cabin Scrappy in blue and yellow (yellow monthly challenge)- donated to the Friends of the Milton Library for their end of year raffle.

Scrappy Star Struck - given to Miss Chrystal - the day care person at our gym in Vermont. She was with Aidan since he was 6 months old and had Emily from 8 weeks - for about an hour and a half 2-3 times a week while I got a bit of a workout.

Pumpkin wall hanging from the October scrap challenge for orange - hand quilted, no less. Finished last night!

Those were the completed things.....
I also have a few completed tops that I hope to get quilted in 2012.
The firecracker quilt from the July rainbow challenge. I will be pulling this from the closet to begin the hand quilting on it... now that I've convinced myself I can do it after the little pumpkin quilt.

The pink scrappy quilt from the rainbow challenge.

I'm sure I have worked on other things this year as well, but these are the completed ones. I do hope to finish my crumb quilt by the end of the year... we'll see if I can meet that goal or not. The other parts of quilts that were worked on this year may just turn up in the coming months...
Hope you all had a great 2011 and a happy and healthy 2012.