I made 3 this week for a total of 20 of these 12 inch JL blocks! I was thinking 30 of these blocks for a 5x6 setting (60x72). Do you think that is big enough for a raffle quilt? I was thinking a snuggle throw quilt... what do you think. Will that be big enough?
Hmmm... I'll also have to play around with the blocks and see what setting I'll put these blocks into. Lots of decisions but I have another month or two until I need to decide!
I hope to get back into the sewing room today after a break yesterday. My MIL (Grandma!) took the kids for the day so I could finish unpacking the 20 or so boxes that were still in the play room from our move a few months ago. I was able to get through them, 2 trips to the recycle place with boxes and paper and then I made a car loaded trip to Good Will while DH went to pick up the kids. Then it was home for me to start making dinner..... I needed to use up some potato's in the pantry so it was.... potato leek soup (minus the leeks.. I used onion instead) and some popovers. Yummy! I think that will be lunch for me today with a nice salad. Happy sewing to you all.
I love the jacob's ladder pattern, it is one of my favorites.
I'm sure you are glad to have everything unpacked. As you know we are moving and since the house is not completely finished and we are in a rush to get out of here, I am just boxing and piling everything in the guest room. I will have to sort through it later....maybe. :) I dread that part of the move.
It is coming along very nicely. I have to get back to mine shortly!
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