Saturday, April 30, 2022
RSC in pink.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Hand quilting....

Monday, April 25, 2022
Sometimes you need to just pull something out and see what happens!
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Sunday stitching
I am adding some hand quilting stitches into the Endless Diamond quilt as my son overtook the living room tv to watch the F1 race this morning. Lets just say hubby and I are learning a lot about F1 racing over the last year. I think he is enjoying his birthday present of the F1 app to watch the test runs and races.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
A busy Thursday....
I started out the day in the blueberry fields! I did drop a kid off to school first though. Greg had already taken Emily who had an FFA exam this morning before school.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Hand quilting.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Easter Sunday and a new project!
Happy Easter! I think I am ready for company. My In-laws are coming over for appetizers and the traditional Easter Ham meal in the early afternoon. Things are picked up and prepped and after I grab a shower, I think I might begin the prep work for my new project.
The Brimfield Awakening block. The charm packs are big enough for the templates so they should work for this project. A big Thank You to Karen for passing along the templates. I have the pattern, EPP papers and the templates so I am all set to begin. This will probably be a long term project and be my car line work waiting on the kids. I'm not sure what the background will be yet, but I'll work on making the EPP part first and worry about what I will applique it down to later. Any advise? This is my first foray into EPP. Linking up with the other slow Stitchers over at Kathy's Quilts.
My night time stitching is hand quilting on the Endless Diamond Quilt. This one was hand pieced from a template I created, based on a photo from Facebook in 2015. It is very happy to be out of the waiting line and getting some stitches added to it each night.Saturday, April 16, 2022
Saturday in pink...
Friday, April 15, 2022
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Memory quilt is done
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Sunday binding stitching....
Every week Kathy reminds us to slow down and breathe with a few deep breaths and some relaxing slow stitching. Today I will be doing that while hand stitching the binding down to the back of the Memory quilt I have been trying to get finished for the last 9 months! I have 336 inches of binding to stitch down and then a label to make and apply before I can contact the new owner and arrange pick up. I saw her yesterday at horses and said it should be ready mid week for pick up. The smile that lit up her 16 year old face was amazing to see. I really hope she likes it. It is a memory quilt made from clothing from both her parents who she has lost in her young life.
Friday, April 8, 2022
RSC in pink
I finally cut out the crossed canoes for pink and yellow (oops, forgot to do them last month!) and I managed to cut out enough for 4 blocks for each instead of 2. Oh well, it never hurts to have some extra's. I managed to sew 3 of them together before the bobbin ran out. We won't mention that I managed to sew 2 of them together wrong and got the trusty seam ripper out for some usage before I sewed them together correctly, all under the watchful eye of Peanut the cat who draped himself over the sewing machine. Some stitching did happen while holding his tail out of the way of the needle.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Progress on the Memory quilt.
My hope was to get this all quilted today. Sigh. Storms this morning had me not ironing or using the sewing machine this morning. I did manage to get this quilt prepped and pinned for quilting. I have about a half hour.... I will head in and start the straight line quilting on it shortly.
I did just pop to Publix to pick up her requested cake for her birthday. That will be a nice after orientation treat I think.
Monday, April 4, 2022
A new adventure? EPP
I have been watching EPP tutorial videos and searching Pinterest for quilts made using EPP and I kept coming back to the Brimfield Block by BrimfieldAwakening.
I loved watching Karen create her beautiful quilt and since the Hexagon quilt is completed, it is time to learn a new technique I think.
It will take me a bit to get started on it as I gather the papers, templates and the pattern....(They are currently in my cart waiting for me to hit buy now!) but I did a little search for fabrics and I think these might be some options for me.
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Sunday....after the rain
Saturday was a very rainy day and I spent it volunteering at a girl scout event. Over 100 girls visited Hogwarts and had a wonderful time despite the weather and some shuffling of outdoor events into inside ones in the space we had. None of my troop went so it was purely a volunteering and helping out day for me. A few photo's of the setup before the wizards arrived... I was in charge of the relay races. They had to find the right keys to unlock the lock, untie the knots, solve a puzzle, roll the dice, find the rock and then race to the trophy.

I finished the hexagon QAYG this week and got a few photo's outside on Thursday morning. The front.
Linking up with Kathy and the Slow Sunday Stitchers.
Friday, April 1, 2022
Spring 2022 UFO Challenge.
Well, same list with one thing removed that was completed in Winter 2022 Challenge - the Hexagon Quilt as You Go was completed! I am hoping for a much more productive quarter.
Finish #1 - #30 Memory Quilt for Olivia. April 2022.

8.) this quilt that has been an on and off, leader and ender for years. My scrappy irish chain. I believe I had a bucket of 2 inch squares next to my sewing machine for a while and would make sets, and rows and blocks in between sewing other things. I think it wants to get competed.