After getting rained out of the soccer game last night (I swear I heard thunder so they called the game in the 3rd quarter after it started pouring big rain drops!), it was a late night to bed as they needed a shower and bath to warm up. Of course, they were both up bright and early this morning. Why does this never happen on a school day? I think they both just wanted to snuggle with Dad before he headed off to work this morning.
Shooting Stars - Aidan in grey with green shoes going after the ball. Em was sitting out that quarter. |
I got an early start so I decided my reward was to curl up in my recliner and quilt a block on my Hugs and Kisses quilt. I now have 31 blocks completed out of 49!
After a leisurely morning we put together some sugar cookie dough. You can find that recipe at the bottom of my recipe page. I got it from Sharon P from my quilt guild in VT and it makes the best sugar cookies for shapes and they taste wonderful. It is chilling in the fridge for a bit but will be made into some Easter shapes in the next hour. Decorating will happen later this afternoon as thunderstorms are predicted. I see a movie in our future and some stitching on my TATW block while we watch.
For now.... they found some balloons and are coming up with balloon games. So far we moved a tension rod into the doorway between the living room and bedroom hallway so they can hit the balloon over it to each other.
Then they bounced it in the air and the first one to hit the ground lost - Aidan's hit the ground but I think Em was holding hers =). Now they are going to use their round chairs as 'buckets' and see how far away they can be to hit it into them. Such a easy and cheap thing to keep them occupied today. The blue chair is 50 points and the pink one behind it is 100 points. They do have great imaginations.
I had plans to make play dough but it appears I never restocked the cream of tarter. I'll have to pick some up tomorrow after work so we can make it Sunday. That will keep them occupied making things with it next week.
Off to make some lunch for us. Kraft mac and cheese it will be I think. Looks like it is time to watch The Lorax while Emily plays with some play dough that Aidan found.