It has been a very busy week in my house with this girl! This is Friday night after a 3 hour after school marching band practice then a quick run through of their routine for the parents last night. The dog has missed her, so was happy to get some belly rubs while we watched tv late Friday night.
This morning, I got a few stitches in while Bear was holding down the rest of the quilt. I have 3 sides of binding to finish off this Civil War Love Letters quilt. Linking up with Kathy and the Slow Sunday Stitchers.

I was up for a bit over an hour before the rest of the household got up. Ollie was missing human interaction and was brave and followed me to the living room and was hanging out with me before Emily got up and let the dog out of her room. The cats and dog do not get along.
Ollie even got comfy leaning against me for a while this morning. That never happens as he is not a 'lap cat'.
This is where I was all day Saturday. This is Santa Fe high school up in Gainesville Florida. It was hot (mid 80's) and full sun. Did I put on sunscreen? Nope. Hat? Got one out of the car mid way through the day. Yup, I was a red lobster last night! Lots of aloe after a shower when I got home, and we will see how the sunburn on the face fares! The kids did great and there were lots of bands performing all day for their MPA judging. The kids got straight Superiors for music and performance yesterday. Lots of hard work paid off. Hard to believe this is all an extracurricular activity at school rather than a class. The class, symphony will have their MPA in February. At least that one is inside! Would you believe this is the only photo I took all day? I was down on the sidelines while they performed so no good photo's. I was helping to bring in the big xylophone and those things are not easy to steer! They had 15 minutes on the field, including set up, their performance and take down. They are a well-oiled machine on the field and loading and unloading their trailer of all their equipment.
Homecoming is next weekend and Emily has decided to go with some friends. So, today will be attempting to find a dress. Wish us luck.
(JulieRose - F1 Ricciardo in 4th to start the race today!) =)
I know--isn't that a great quali for him??:)))) He has just the best smile ever!!;)))
We are looking forward to today's Race--I wonder if Verst got that 3 place penalty for impeding? If so, it will be even more interesting, right?
Seems like a lot of people impeded others ...
Hugs, Julierose
Had a great read here this morning of your latest posts. So busy but productive too you and Emily, Deb. The music is such an important and wonderful part of these high school kids lives, it seems. Love the purple hearts piece and the Civil War sampler block quilt too. Imagine you had it 80 while we now flirt with freezing overnight, almost. Enjoy your Sunday.
Oh how wonderful that Emily and the band did so well. I hope she had a great time. I bet she is excited about homecoming ;best of luck to you both on finding Miss E. the perfect dress. Enjoy your day. Hugs.
oh that is too bad about the sun burn, I'm not sure when I was burned last! it sure has been awhile. Here it will be down in the 20's for 3 nights! crazy weather but we finally got our rain.
They kids sure do keep you busy - enjoy it while it last.
The life of a band parent, lol! If you aren't driving somewhere, making food, or fundraising, you are hauling equipment on and off the field. Sounds like the kids did well. Is that it for marching season? Colorado's finished yesterday also. Enjoy stitching that binding today!
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