Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 I used to have a Tiny Tuesday post which forced... I mean nudged me to make the block so I could post about it. I think I need to go back to that so that I will get off my phone and do something productive.

Since I have only done some crochet, I guess Tuesday will be the crochet update on the granny squares.

I have added a couple to the mix and started another one with the dark blue last night. I am changing the colors up to keep things interesting for me. 

I am really not sure how I will be 'finishing' these off. I know I read a blog where she did 16 patches, like a quilt to get hers combined. I like the concept, but I was thinking making different nine patches might be fun with the 3 colors I am playing with. I am leaning towards using the grey to crochet them together with. This is 5 country blue and 4 light blue. I have more of the country blue so will plan to use 5 of those in the blocks and alternate with the light and dark blue. 

Other news... the ear infection is still bothering me one week after drops and antibiotics, so I guess it is time to contact the doctor again. I'd really like to go back in time to 2024. 2025 has been filled with feeling poorly and I am ready to turn the page on it!


Julierose said...

Boy that is a deep-seated ear infection you have!! Hope this next round will clear it up for you!!((((
Pretty crochet nine patch...I am taking a bit of time away from my Comfort Cloth work to rest the hands...This Wednesday I will watch the next video on finishing this block up for January...gosh I actually made it through the month!! amazing hahaha
hugs for feeling better soon Julierose

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm so sorry you're still feeling crummy! Fingers crossed the doctor can do something about that. It sounds like your granny squares are the thing to work on right now - they sound relaxing to me. Keep going!

Astrid said...

So sorry about your ear infection. Hope you'll get some medication that kills it. Speedy recovery! Pretty granny squares. You inspire me to get out my GS UFO, but not sure I want to work on it in the heat of summer.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, no! Sorry to hear that your ear is still bothering you, Deb. Here's hoping it gets better soon!

Amy said...

Ahh, the beautiful classic Granny Square. Nice progress.
... and re: Tiny Tuesday: right!??! We SHOULD start those back up!
I'm actually hoping to start back up come June when summer break hits for me.