Sunday, February 9, 2025

Slow Sunday Stitching.

 I'll be doing a little applique today on 2 projects. This dresden plate circle, needs a little repair to secure it to the top. I'm hoping once Aidan is home from his ACT testing this morning, I can finally get my quilt holder up on the wall so I can hang this quilt in the kitchen/living room area. I need a tall person to help me!

My other applique is to get this body of the butterfly stitched down and then I'll add some embroidery for the antenna. I've got 8 more of these blocks to get onto their background and get finished off. 

Four more granny squares were crocheted this week to add to the pile. 

Yesterday, Emily's riding partner called out sick so our trainer asked if I wanted to ride with her. I've been sick all last month so no riding since early December. I just did a little walking and a trot a few times around the arena, then I was content to sit on my recliner... I mean Goody the horse and watch Emily deal with an ornery Doc who was not understanding to pick up the canter.

After our lesson, there was an estate sale about a mile from the riding place that I wanted to check on a Singer sewing machine. Alas, it was gone but Emily wanted to walk through the house. Everything was marked as they were going to gut and remodel it. In a punchbowl box of cut glass there was a cut glass platter. Ours dropped and shattered a year ago, so I pulled the platter out of the box and asked the price. It got washed last night and is all clear and shiny now and very heavy!

 It came home with us along with this pretty quilt rack. I was thinking I would paint it, but I wiped it down and polished it and now I am not sure. I'll think on it.

Linking up with Kathy and the Slow Sunday Stitchers.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is such a pretty crystal plate - I have several old bowls of my grandma's but no plates although I know I used to have one I don't remember what happened to it.

Julierose said...

Gorgeous cut glass plate--I just love the deep cut grooves on those pieces...I have a pink depression glass cake plate of Grand-mere's that I cherish... Nice find;)))
The butterfly is looking so pretty...I have to rest my hands for a few days now--they are pretty sore and tired. Itching to finish off
those little log cabins though;(((
Hugs, Julierose

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful crystal plate! Your butterfly is lovely!


Thanks for giving a horse some exercise!!! And I love the quilt rack you found--nice find--and that plate looks neat too--
The butterfly is looking like she is gonna ' hatch' out beautifully too!
hugs, di

Jenny said...

Didnt you do well at the estate sale. Dont paint that gorgeous quilt rack, let the beauty of the wood shine instead. My daughter Nicky made me a wooden quilt rack years ago when she did an evening course on wood work, and I cherish mine.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

OH, I think I have a plate like that somewhere. What luck to get to an estate sale and score great that wooden rack too. Also neat to be riding.

Amy said...

The glass platter is certainly lovely, but..... that egg display has me enamoured!!!! Love it!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I just had to drop back in to say we are in the middle of a snowstorm right now. Beach time sounds so great!