It's been a long week. Kids had high temps Tuesday night until yesterday morning. One is pretty much better and the other has a bad cough now. The joys of Mommyhood!
I missed my guild meeting but was lucky my co-chair for the quilt show stepped up and updated the membership with the document I had created of our status. This was the BOM block I had done and will get to whomever won the blocks this month. This is from
Quiltercache and is titled Double Windmill 2.

Yesterday there were lots of people in my house. The boiler started making noise Wednesday night - a squealing sound when it was on... and being in the single digits it was a loud night in the house. Called the gas company who sent someone and after an hour he diagnosed it but said a plumber was needed. Called a plumber and had a crew of 2 come in and turned out the boiler just needed some oil and it was all better. Had them fix a leaky valve and a few other things while they were here and everything was nice and quiet again. Did a load of laundry this morning in the basement. Went down to swap loads and my feet were all wet.... looked up and saw the opening of a hose pointing at me from behind the washer/dryer. Called the plumber... 'Yup, must have forgot to hook that back up. Sorry.' Arrrggghhh. I tried to clean it up but it's all under the washer and dryer so will wait for DH to get home to move them. Instead, I took the monsters... I mean kids outside and shoveled the driveway that had not been done since Tuesday. A little snow every day adds up and the kids needed the fresh air before we plummet into the below zero numbers for the next few days.
I needed some sewing therapy while the service men were here and kids were napping (how lucky was I for that to happen?) and grabbed the leftover bin of blue and white/cream scraps from my parents anniversary quilt last year and came up with this:

I had a bunch of 3.5 squares cut out already so those are being sewn into a border. Right now it measures 48x48. I think this will be a little baby/lap quilt that I'll donate to the guild charity quilts. It might get another border on the outside to make it a wee bit bigger.
After reading
Bonnie Hunters blog, book and checking out the directions for her sisters choice quilt.. I grabbed a strip of blue/yellow out of the scrap bin and made this as I was piecing the above. Maybe there is a sisters quilt in my future?

I still have this to work with from the leftovers of that blue and white quilt. A few ideas... but you'll have to come back and see what it turns into!