I'm back and hopefully I can start knocking off one of these a week again. I have to say.... once I got back to the paper piecing it wasn't too bad...... so the 3 month break was enough I guess!
This one has four parts and 14 pieces in each part..... so 56 pieces in this little block finishing at 4.5 inches. Sorry, I didn't get the iron out so this one is not pressed as yet.
I've been looking for a pattern for 2 weeks now... I didn't save the site to my bookmarks like I thought.... and in figuring out where the above picture was to post it (yup, still getting used to the Mac.... I love how fast it is but am still working on where things go...) I found it! It is a scrappy log cabin block with no 'real' measurements. I'm off to pull the yellow and blue scraps from the closet and try to make a block and see how it goes. Let's hope the kids continue sleeping for a bit so I can play a bit.
I need the fabric stress release..... after the gym this morning one front tire was low and the other was close to flat.... filled one with a little air and off to the car repair who fit me in... nail in one and a leaking valve in the other. Not good with a 3 and 2 YO in the car with me... and I had to get home for a 2PM front windshield replacement.... newly paved road on Saturday, car pulled in front of me and a rock kicked up and caused a pop... which quickly led to a crack....about the size of my arm... so it needed to be replaced. Both are now fixed and we are back into a safe car to drive.
Hope your day went better than my morning!
that looks so small- and adorable!
Great work on the midget block. They can be a little addictive.
Great job on the midget!! That block was a tough one!
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