Lots of teeny tiny pieces in this one - 52 to be exact. Rotary cut and machine pieced. Aidan let me cut this one out quick and sew it up while he was 'resting' on the couch watching part of Toy Story 3 on Saturday afternoon. He had to go get Buzz and Woody (birthday and Christmas gifts from Grandma) so they could 'watch themselves' in the movie!
He also played with some thread (I got the pack of Guterman's thread from Joann's a while ago) and loves taking them off the spindle and lines them up by color, then lights and darks, etc. It allowed me to pick out that Birds in the air block and resew it correctly.

Hey. That's two green projects on the scrappy green Saturday!
Sunday I was able to work on #30 and have that one all done ahead for next week and #29 is all set to work on this week at night. I think I like being ahead on these guys... especially since I just printed out 31-37 and there are some difficult ones coming up.
Go over to Jill's blog and see what others are doing on this Midget Tuesday.
Your blocks are looking great!
I love those midget blocks and I am ready to jump in!
Such tiny pieces. Tiny blocks! They look difficult! Can't even imagine doing more difficult blocks than these.
52 pieces? and does the pattern actually say 4 1/2" block? wow.
Love your block. The hardest part of this one was getting everything facing the right way. I'm ahead at he moment as well and have my tiny Tuesdays prescheduled to post automatically! I think 31 was a block that truly boggled my mind, but it went together just as it was supposed to. Congratulations on persevering this far!
Your midget block looks wonderful! and so does your re-do of the birds in the air block. Great going this week :) Elly
What a beautiful teeny tiny block!! I'll bet Aidan really had fun playing with your threads!
Good to get that bird block fixed. Your tiny block is cute.
Love that Tiny block.
Wonderful colors in your blocks.
Wonderful block.
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