Now I need to sew the rows together so I can post a top this week over at The Sassy Quilter.
I decided to cut some hexie's from the leftover bits and will use the rest in some maverick stars. Eventually.
After this one is done, I really need to get back to the Kaleidoscope quilt so I can have it quilted and bound by the end of next month. Those blocks are hiding under the ironing board in the previous picture. I've been doing one at the end of each row to mix things up a bit. I might have to quilt the log cabin first... that one is pinned and waiting for quilting. The white and blue toile print is the backing and it is waiting on the chair for a chunk of quilting time. It is a double bed size so will need a good chunk of the day to quilt on my little Viking machine. Especially if I attempt some feathers on it.
Ok - time to pick up the boy from school and then we have a swim date with some friends. G had the kids in the pool yesterday when I got home from work and the grocery store. Still a bit chilly for me but they had a good time. I'll head in once the water is in the mid 80 range.. until then, I'll watch from the ladder =).
Busy...busy :) Sounds like you have everything under control. Your top is coming along really nicely!
I really like that triangle quilt ... those colors are so spring-like. I'm with you on waiting until the water is warm before spending any time in the pool. ;-)
Sounds like you're keeping busy. The triangle quilt looks great.
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