I took some time on Sunday... while the kids were at Grandmas... and got the printing figured out for the I
nklingo parts and pieces. Inklingo is a way to print the cutting and sewing lines directly onto the back of fabric. Perfect for me.... so I just have to prep fabric with freezer paper ironed onto the top.. load into the printer and print. Then just cut with scissors or a rotary cutter on the solid line. ** Remember to take the freezer paper off before cutting ... and iron it onto the next one. I have reused mine 4 times so far. I got the 'free' diamond, square and triangle set years ago. Why did I wait so long to try and print out? Yup, kicking myself for waiting so long. Linda has tons of sets available on her website and the photo gallery of quilts is awe inspiring.
I decided since I have a finish... I'd finally take the plunge this year and made one lemoyne star by hand a day while waiting in the car line. Well, might not be one per day... they do take a while to hand piece but I'll sure make a lot while waiting this year! Ok, school started last week so I am a wee bit behind, but I'm sure there will be some rain days when I need to be in line for pickup forever.... =) These little guys will finish at 4.5 inches... and I should have 180 of them (or a whole lot if not the full 180!) by the end of the school year. I'm thinking maybe alternate them with a plain block should make it a nice size.... but plenty of time to worry about that much later.....
I had this hope chest line of fat quarters from Connecting Threads that got washed last week in preparation for printing on the fabric. It is nice pastels in a 30's type style of green, lilac, and blue. I'm sure at some point I will be adding fabrics from the stash but will start with these.
This is a look at the back of the fabrics with the ink on them... for those who were wondering. I used 11 to print on the darker and 2 to print on the white.
And.. my first completed block.
Back of block - not pressed |
front of block - not pressed. |
So exciting. I have enough prepped for the rest of the week. I think Sunday's will become my prep day for these... nice and relaxing and done in just a little bit of time. This is the fist block I started with but it should become finished block number 2 today in the car line.
A needle, thread, scissors and a running stitch is all you need. It all fits into a handy ziplock sandwich bag that tucks right into my purse. Perfect take with me project this year.