Linking up with the RSC Challenge.
I have to say.... I am so happy this week is done. I really dislike halloween. It was a crazy week...
Monday - IEP with Emily for speech at school. Keeping her at 2 - 30 minute group speech sessions a week during the school year. No walk in the morning so I could make up the time needed to go to school. That night was scouts with a potluck party and trick or treating in the room.
Tuesday the kids had their honor awards at school. Both kids sent home an invite for me to go to their awards. Emily got AB and Aidan got all A honor roll. After school was guitar and then the rescheduled safe halloween at school Emily wanted to help work at.
Wednesday was trick or treating about 13 streets down - they walked around the block and got their pumpkins 3/4 full!
Thursday.... was bowling for me while the kids were at school then that night I should have gone to a school choice seminar.... but I didn't. Sometimes you just need a night at home. Looks like the info is all online - we just need to schedule a walk through at a program at a middle school Aidan got invited to apply to. We did go to Taco bell after school and got our free Taco - thanks Mookie for stealing a base in the World Series!

Friday I voted early at the library after picking up the kids and then we had a family monopoly game in the evening.
On top of that.... deadlines at work got all moved up to testing for the business users on Wednesday ... 50 programs changed for a federal requirement done by 2 programmers,
over the last 2 months. Yikes! The other one got moved to production Monday by a coworker who kindly took it over for me so I could concentrate on the other one. Yup - I work 20 hours a week while the kids are in school..... or try anyway!
Today... temps in the mid 50's right now will rise to just the 70's today, so after I finish supervising the guinea pigs while Aidan cleans the cage (the cats have stuck a paw or two into the play yard with the new bottom protection for my floors) I will get dressed and head out to try and find soil in the overgrown garden area! It is too hot to plant in the summer in Florida and it is finally cooler so I will try a winter garden again which I have had luck with in the past. Getting it to that point..... Sigh. It will be a lot of work today to try and get a start on it.
You did have a busy week! Glad you got a little time to sew, and hope you have a little built into this weekend, too.
Ah, I also dislkie Halloween and am always happy when it's over. Your blocks look great! Looking forward to your quilt!
Ah . . . jumper cables in the grocery store . . . is that where you find them?
I needed them last year when my battery died in the car line! The kids didn't get them for me for my birthday so I got them this year. I had never thought of them and Emily spotted them in the 'other finds' aisle at Aldi.....
Busy week! Great green blocks
What a week!
That was QUITE the week, Deb! What's going on in that last photo? Kitty wants to play with the pigs? Yikes!
I had to move around the photo two times before I saw it! I really like the block!
I like the block design. Almost wish I'd joined in RSC2018 but must get those UFOs done.
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