I haven't been on lately since it has been a busy week. Sunday was my parents 45th wedding anniversary, my nephew's 16th birthday and Fathers Day. We had the whole immediate family (21 of us total)out to my parents camp for the day to celebrate. Aidan got a little overwhelmed (who wouldn't!) but was pretty good taking his naps and DH and I even got to go out kayaking by ourselves!!! That was a treat. Monday, my FIL and his girlfriend arrived from Florida and just left this morning. It was the first time they had seen Aidan and was a real treat to have them come up and spend some time with us. We hope they can come back soon. Today is trying to clean up the house a bit, change out the guest bedroom, and clear off counters and try to get rid of the ants that think they were invited to live with us! Tomorrow we have company again - a friend of mine from NY is driving over for the weekend with her two kids (ages 5 and 3) to see us. They get to meet Aidan tomorrow! Saturday is the cancer walk with my other friend Kelly... so I'll pop over there Saturday afternoon with Aidan to make our laps around the track for a couple of hours.
Next week.... I've decided it will be sewing time for me! Now I just need Aidan to cooperate for me, but he is getting better at entertaining himself so I think I can put him in the sewing room with me while I get some sewing done. Oh - he had his 4 month checkup last Friday and is a real chunker of a boy! 16 pounds and 9 ounces and 26 1/2 inches long. No wonder my arms hurt while lugging him in the carrier! He is in the 90% for both height and weight so he is a big boy. He'll be taller than Mommy soon (5 feet 3 inches). Here is a picture from his Sears photo shoot on May 28th. He did great with lots of smiles.
And last night on the floor with daddy...
I did sew together a charity quilt last week and just have to put the borders on. I'll try to do that later today and will post a picture at that point.
Happy sewing everyone.
Your little one is sure growing...seems like they don't stay little long enough.
He has got such a cheeky grin. Make sure you don't tire yourself out with all the company.
love and hugs xxx
Wow!! You had a busy weekend. He is a cutie..... they sure do grow quickly.
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