Aidan and I went out to my parents camp yesterday and he had his first pontoon boat ride! It was so exciting..... he fell asleep and had a good 30 minute nap on the boat! It was a beautiful sunny summer day. Not too hot, and not too cold. Perfect weather. He got a little overtired last night so Daddy got to bring him for a quick car ride to get him to sleep.
Today - lots of errands to run and I really need to go outside and water the wildflower seeds and care for some of the flowers that need dead heading. Then it is gym time, drug store, groceries and a Costco trip to pick up things for the 4th of July celebrations on Friday. We'll be going out to camp with the rest of my family and some of my sisters friends. It will be a house full... probably close to 25-30 people. I will enjoy the time out there but will be very happy to get home Friday night to a 'quiet' house.
No real plans for the weekend other than working outside in the gardens to weed and maybe add some new plants for color. My goal is to try and sew or do something in the craft room for 30 minutes a day.... we'll see how I do! I am inspired by the JJM challenge that is going on in July. It will be interesting to see all that they get done this month.
Ok, off to shower while Aidan is napping so I can get going this morning.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!