I got lots of sewing time in this weekend (around 10 hours!) and finally got to play with the free motion quilting. Aidan's puppy quilt is quilted, bound and in use on the floor already... and has been cristened with baby spitup. I also pinned and quilted another baby quilt yesterday and got that quilted. I just need to finish the binding and put that on. Now that I have overcome my fears of FMQ, I have a feeling I will be finishing lots of those quilt tops I have sitting in my closet this year! Here is a picture of Aidan's puppy quilt with a closeup of the quilting in the second photo.
I hope to get the binding onto the second quilt today... but have a list of chores to do today with a few errands to run so may not get to that until tonight.
Have a great day everyone.
Good job!
Great job! The quilt looks so cute and your FMQ is awesome!
Beautiful! Isn't it a great feeling when it's finished?!
Love the quilt..the puppies are adorable and your quilting looks fabulous. It will be cherished forever.
How lovely!!! Looks like you did a wonderful job!
So cute...love the colors.
I think blue and yellow is one of my favourite colour combos. Well done for getting this done - it is lovely. Onto the next ?? lol
That is just too cute! It is destined to be a favorite--be prepared for it to get well used and loved!
WTG on your FMQ! You are SO BRAVE! Welcome to the 'I like to quilt my own club'
Very, very cutimous! Aidan will enjoy it....for sure!
Good job!
Adorable quilt and great job on the quilting.
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