and the weather feels like it. A bit chilly this morning... I just hope it did not get down to 32 or below, since I did not cover the pepper plant and herbs.
Did not get much done this weekend. Aidan did good in the pool again on Saturday. I did go to the first class of the mystery quilt and got all the cutting instructions. I was able to get my fabric ironed and cut yesterday during Aidan's nap...I just need to go pick out the inner border and cut that.
Had a baby doctor ultrasound screening yesterday, but won't know the results for a week or so. Have my regular checkup this morning... I think. I did not get a 'reminder call' so will check when they open at 8. Hope to go to the gym after and then really need to get groceries, since I have not made it there the last 3 days.
Also need to clean up the house this week, my MIL is flying up from Florida on Friday for a week.
No pictures this morning.... need to go feed the boy breakfast.
Have a great day everyone.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Guild BOM completed....
I got some sewing time in today and was able to make the guild BOM for the drawing and one for me. I was given the 'focus' fabric for the guild one... the print and had a tough time finding something to coordinate with it. I went with the dark brown and think it came out ok.
I decided that we really need a quilt for our bed that goes with our room - yellow walls and blue carpeting. So I found a bunch of this mottled blue and a few fQ's of a pretty yellow/gold that I think will look good as a quilt. The pattern is from Marsha Hahn's website and the pattern is called Chisholm Trail.
We did the first water class with Aidan on Saturday, who did great. No crying and he was good in the water, even kicked a few times! Of course he loved to slap the water with his hands too... to cause the splashing. I think grandma will have a blast in 2 weeks when she is visiting us from Florida. I told her to bring her bathing suit and she can take my place in the water that day. We did not get any pictures... maybe next week.
Oh, I finally went and picked out my fabrics for the LQS mystery that starts next Saturday..... all Batiks. I have never worked with batiks or done a 'real' mystery so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. The colors will be blues,greens, purples, and yellow. I hope it looks ok when it is completed. I had help picking out these fabrics from someone in the store. The print - purple with shades of green and blues goes well with the basic fabrics that I will get at the first class. The light blue and green are my light and medium background fabrics and the yellow I hope will make it pop, as that is the accent fabric. We'll see in a few months.
It has been crazy windy here last night and this morning... the remnants of Ike. No rain or damage just really windy.
Have a great day everyone.
I decided that we really need a quilt for our bed that goes with our room - yellow walls and blue carpeting. So I found a bunch of this mottled blue and a few fQ's of a pretty yellow/gold that I think will look good as a quilt. The pattern is from Marsha Hahn's website and the pattern is called Chisholm Trail.
We did the first water class with Aidan on Saturday, who did great. No crying and he was good in the water, even kicked a few times! Of course he loved to slap the water with his hands too... to cause the splashing. I think grandma will have a blast in 2 weeks when she is visiting us from Florida. I told her to bring her bathing suit and she can take my place in the water that day. We did not get any pictures... maybe next week.
Oh, I finally went and picked out my fabrics for the LQS mystery that starts next Saturday..... all Batiks. I have never worked with batiks or done a 'real' mystery so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. The colors will be blues,greens, purples, and yellow. I hope it looks ok when it is completed. I had help picking out these fabrics from someone in the store. The print - purple with shades of green and blues goes well with the basic fabrics that I will get at the first class. The light blue and green are my light and medium background fabrics and the yellow I hope will make it pop, as that is the accent fabric. We'll see in a few months.
It has been crazy windy here last night and this morning... the remnants of Ike. No rain or damage just really windy.
Have a great day everyone.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Chelsea bag, completed!
I got the pattern for the Lazy Girl Chelsea bag last summer/fall and started making my 'practice' bag earlier this summer. I finally finished it last night!
So, two things checked off my list so far. I also bought a hoop for hand quilting and did a little bit last night after finishing the bag. I was going to cut out my shashings for the pinwheel quilt.... but was trying to work off my stash and really do not like the 3 things I pulled as possible. I think we'll take a trip to the fabric stores today and see what I can find. The pinwheel quilt is the 'leftovers' from my hubbys quilt using the Nickle quilts book patterns. I tried a medium and light beige and a mottled dark green but neither is looking good to me. I think I want a medium color pattern that has both greens and browns in it....lets hope I can find some today. I also need to select my fabrics for the mystery quilt that starts on the 20th.
The reason I got some sewing in last night - Aidan fell asleep in his high chair a little after 6 last night. He was sleep eating at the end, eyes closed but kept opening his mouth and was chomping and swallowing his food. I guess he had a busy day yesterday with only a 1.5 hour nap in the morning. We went to lunch with some former co-workers of mine (one of my clients as I was a consulting computer programmer) and he was so good at the chinese buffet. Just looking around and playing pick up with his toys while I ate and chatted.
After a crying in his sleep around 9, he was only up for 15 minutes and slept though the night until 6:15 this morning! Either a growth spurt, cold or he will reach a milestone soon.
Here he is this morning playing with his bus.
Mr. rolley has rolled across the living room, so I guess it is time to go make him breakfast. Have a great day everyone.
So, two things checked off my list so far. I also bought a hoop for hand quilting and did a little bit last night after finishing the bag. I was going to cut out my shashings for the pinwheel quilt.... but was trying to work off my stash and really do not like the 3 things I pulled as possible. I think we'll take a trip to the fabric stores today and see what I can find. The pinwheel quilt is the 'leftovers' from my hubbys quilt using the Nickle quilts book patterns. I tried a medium and light beige and a mottled dark green but neither is looking good to me. I think I want a medium color pattern that has both greens and browns in it....lets hope I can find some today. I also need to select my fabrics for the mystery quilt that starts on the 20th.
The reason I got some sewing in last night - Aidan fell asleep in his high chair a little after 6 last night. He was sleep eating at the end, eyes closed but kept opening his mouth and was chomping and swallowing his food. I guess he had a busy day yesterday with only a 1.5 hour nap in the morning. We went to lunch with some former co-workers of mine (one of my clients as I was a consulting computer programmer) and he was so good at the chinese buffet. Just looking around and playing pick up with his toys while I ate and chatted.
After a crying in his sleep around 9, he was only up for 15 minutes and slept though the night until 6:15 this morning! Either a growth spurt, cold or he will reach a milestone soon.
Here he is this morning playing with his bus.
Mr. rolley has rolled across the living room, so I guess it is time to go make him breakfast. Have a great day everyone.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Well, in between canning tomato's on Saturday I did do some errands/shopping. Groceries and just had to go to the big store so I could hit Joann's and the quilting thread place. They had sent out an e-mail to guild members saying that Saturday the thread was 50% off.... so I figured I'd stop in and try some 'good' thread. I got a King Tut, a Alex Anderson Master Piece and a Bottom Line. Just got neutral colors so will try them out over the next month or two.
Been busy this morning - baked some pears for Aidan food - some in the fridge for his fruits for the next day or two and some in the freezer. Also did some plums and hopefully those freeze ok. Folded a couple loads of laundry from yesterday and put some new loads in.... had to get the 12 months clothes out of the big box and get that washed. He is growing so fast... and that gives me the long sleeves and long pants we need now as the weather is getting chilly. Heading out to lunch with some friends so need to jump in the shower while he is napping.
Been busy this morning - baked some pears for Aidan food - some in the fridge for his fruits for the next day or two and some in the freezer. Also did some plums and hopefully those freeze ok. Folded a couple loads of laundry from yesterday and put some new loads in.... had to get the 12 months clothes out of the big box and get that washed. He is growing so fast... and that gives me the long sleeves and long pants we need now as the weather is getting chilly. Heading out to lunch with some friends so need to jump in the shower while he is napping.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Busy in the kitchen....
Well, I am feeling better finally. That bug was really energy sapping. Got out of the house on Friday and got a bunch of things at the farm stand... so Friday I made raspberry freezer jam and yesterday I canned 1/2 a bushel of tomato's. Need to check that the last few sealed and then will label them and put them in the basement. Today, DH got up with Aidan at 5:15 so I could sleep in! Wasn't that sweet! I am planning to head out to see a friend for lunch and a long walk on the bike path today. She lives a good hour away so it is usually a 4-6 hour trip. Maybe I can get a little sewing in tonight... depends on if I take Aidan with me or not, if I do, then I get sewing time!!!
No quilting pictures, so here is a couple of pictures of Aidan from a couple of weeks ago when DH was out of town all week. The first is him in his new rocking chair... he was getting to0 big for the bouncer with his 20 pound self.
The second is him sleeping while we were at the local fair with my parents, sister and her two kids. Don't you just love the pooh outfit from Gina.... it was chilly that day so it was the perfect outfit to keep him warm.
Hope you all have a great week.
No quilting pictures, so here is a couple of pictures of Aidan from a couple of weeks ago when DH was out of town all week. The first is him in his new rocking chair... he was getting to0 big for the bouncer with his 20 pound self.
The second is him sleeping while we were at the local fair with my parents, sister and her two kids. Don't you just love the pooh outfit from Gina.... it was chilly that day so it was the perfect outfit to keep him warm.
Hope you all have a great week.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A package!
I got a package in the mail from Moneik Tuesday. It was such a surprise and a lovely little bag from their out cut, out sew, out quilt month! Thank you so much. That will come in handy for sewing supplies in the living room until Aidan learns how to do zippers!
Thanks for all the congrats. I have a feeling my sewing time will be close to nothing for a few months after the baby arrives... but then I hope to grab a few hours each weekend while DH watches the 'kids'. It will be interesting to see if that works out or not! Guess I better get busy on my list for this month while I still have a sewing room.
Have a great day everyone.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Wow, where did the last month go? And Summer..... a few more days of unusually hot weather here and then the chill in the air will start again. I've actually seen a few autumn colored leaves fall to the ground already... It is way too soon for that.
Sadly, I only got one quilt quilted and bound this month and DH's quilt pinned for quilting... but nothing else! I'm blaming it on hot weather (too hot upstairs to sew!) and feeling a wee bit tired at night due to the pregnancy. Yup, pregnant again and due March 31st! So, the kids will be 13 months apart. I'll have my hands full next year. That also means I really need to get a few more quilt tops pinned (before a big belly make it difficult) and quilted this fall while I still have a sewing room to play in.
My plans this month.....
1.) find my hoop so I can start hand quilting DH's quilt. I'd like to do one block a day...but we'll see. Or.. go to Michaels/Joanns and get one! Done!
2.) Plant the new bulbs and flowers I have being delivered in the next couple of weeks and expand the flower beds a little. Also get another truck of mulch and spread among the 8 flower gardens.
3.) close up the veggie garden mid month and expand/till it so it is ready for next year.
4.) finish my chelsea 'play' bag in cream and blue.Done
5.) Make a fall chelsea bag
6.) Put together the pinwheel quilt top and machine quilt it... will need to create a top and bottom border to make it big enough to cover the inside front door to limit drafts this winter.
7.) Quilt and bind the black/red BOM quilt. freehand stars and loops I think.
8.) Start a mystery quilt at my quilt shop on the 20th.... Need to go pick out my fabrics too!
9.) Aidan's water class starts Saturday the 13th... First one down!
10.) Play with my thangles and make a fall tablerunner....
11.) Make the BOM for the quilt guild meeting on the 17th... one to share and one for me! Done
12.) Quilt the charity quilt and finish the binding.
We'll see how well I do.
Went out to camp on Sunday as the power company had cut down 6 trees my Dad had marked and the guys were busy cutting and splitting and shredding things all day. I got home and was sick as a dog for the night and was a little better if I didn't do much on Monday. I guess it was a 24 hour bug that hopefully is all gone. Will try to take it easy today, since bowling starts tonight and I don't want to miss it.
Ok, off to shower and then need to start some laundry and update the grocery list.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Sadly, I only got one quilt quilted and bound this month and DH's quilt pinned for quilting... but nothing else! I'm blaming it on hot weather (too hot upstairs to sew!) and feeling a wee bit tired at night due to the pregnancy. Yup, pregnant again and due March 31st! So, the kids will be 13 months apart. I'll have my hands full next year. That also means I really need to get a few more quilt tops pinned (before a big belly make it difficult) and quilted this fall while I still have a sewing room to play in.
My plans this month.....
1.) find my hoop so I can start hand quilting DH's quilt. I'd like to do one block a day...but we'll see. Or.. go to Michaels/Joanns and get one! Done!
2.) Plant the new bulbs and flowers I have being delivered in the next couple of weeks and expand the flower beds a little. Also get another truck of mulch and spread among the 8 flower gardens.
3.) close up the veggie garden mid month and expand/till it so it is ready for next year.
4.) finish my chelsea 'play' bag in cream and blue.Done
5.) Make a fall chelsea bag
6.) Put together the pinwheel quilt top and machine quilt it... will need to create a top and bottom border to make it big enough to cover the inside front door to limit drafts this winter.
7.) Quilt and bind the black/red BOM quilt. freehand stars and loops I think.
8.) Start a mystery quilt at my quilt shop on the 20th.... Need to go pick out my fabrics too!
9.) Aidan's water class starts Saturday the 13th... First one down!
10.) Play with my thangles and make a fall tablerunner....
11.) Make the BOM for the quilt guild meeting on the 17th... one to share and one for me! Done
12.) Quilt the charity quilt and finish the binding.
We'll see how well I do.
Went out to camp on Sunday as the power company had cut down 6 trees my Dad had marked and the guys were busy cutting and splitting and shredding things all day. I got home and was sick as a dog for the night and was a little better if I didn't do much on Monday. I guess it was a 24 hour bug that hopefully is all gone. Will try to take it easy today, since bowling starts tonight and I don't want to miss it.
Ok, off to shower and then need to start some laundry and update the grocery list.
Hope everyone has a good day.
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