I need to start stitching these sets of 4 together!
I think I was a worried Mom yesterday. It is Spring Break. The girl is getting lots of sleep trying to catch up from a busy life. She did pop over to a friends for a few hours in the afternoon. The boy, he signed up for a Certification course up in Gainesville at a UF (University of Florida) lab for the week. It was his first time driving on I75.... and through all the traffic areas. I finally got a 'I'm here and fine' around 1:30. They are feeding them lunch and there appears to be a snack tree they can grab from. He is working on a certificate in designing in 3D printing I believe. There are only 12 high school kids in the class, so lots of hands-on teaching and learning. He showed me the part he made. 3 days of working with them and then they get to design and make their own the last 2 days. His Skills USA is similar - they get a project with certain things they need to include as skills. Then they design and make something to fit it. His buddy Issac is also in the class, and they stayed later and had dinner up there and then explored a bit. Aidan was excited to see all the things to do up there. Issac took him to an Asian market they go to a lot (his Mom Pei is Asian). He brought home some interesting snacks! UF is one of the schools he is considering for Engineering. It appears he likes the area.
I played with my sourdough yesterday and made another sandwich loaf. I kinda forgot it was proofing in the oven last night. I pulled it out and formed it to a loaf and popped it in the pan. It rose overnight and is in the oven baking now.
Time to shower and then log onto work. The boy is off to class and the rest of the house is sleeping.
Crock pot woes: I dropped my crock pot insert and it smashed all over the floor--luckily I had taken the corned beef out of it!! It just slipped right through my hands!! We will have to order another one...S I G H ...
Sounds like Aidan is really a busy guy...hope his course went well.
Hugs, Julierose
I would be right there with you, worrying about the interstate driving, too. Sounds like all went well, and he is having a great experience! Happy Spring Break, Mom!
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