A big Thank you to Jill over at Ramblings of a quilt and yarn obsessor for this wonderful little gift in the mail yesterday! She had a question going every few weeks and if you answered them and then linked to her blog she included you in a drawing... and I won one of the months!
Isn't it so cute? This is a great bag for putting sewing things in and the little closure case has some cute little pockets, great for tucking little things in. Thanks Jill, I'm going to fill them as soon as the kids go to bed tonight!
I needed a break from crumbs and dug through a bucket and found some 9 patches I was working on back in May when I made the log cabin quilt. I had 20 of them... and made 5 more in the last few days for a total of 25. They will be about 6 inches finished..... so I could set them 5x5.... or make another set of blocks to go with them.... what do you think? It will be small if I set it like this with a border or two..... I was originally thinking of a specific block to frame them so they look on point...but can't think of the name right now.
I also did a few more star blocks and I have 2 more blocks in process (don't you hate it when you have to stop sewing because someone woke up from a nap?). I have 10 stars and 21 other blocks. I think I'll be needing to make a bunch more of these in the next week or two. I need to find where I put the other set of 30's prints... I know they made it here just need to find where I put them among the boxes.
Not sure why but I'm not a fan of square quilts. I think I would probably make a few more and set it 5 by 7. I love your crumby blocks - was very tempted to do some myself but had to show some self-restraint. Got to finish something - anything - lol xxx
I agree with Andrea - I don't particulary care for square quilts. Nine patches are easy and fun to make.
Oh, I'm glad that you got the goodies! I was wondering whether it had gotten lost. lol
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