I bought it at VQF with a book for fat quarter quilts.... and they have been sitting there. When I got the patterns for the year and looked in the closet... these just jumped out at me. I still love these deep colors and think they will look great in my dining room hanging on the wall.
I forgot to take a picture of just the top when I got it done... oops, guess I was so excited I got it done, found batting and backing in the closet and was able to pin and start hand quilting it all before the kiddo's woke up from their naps on Monday. Here it is as of Tuesday morning....

and yes... that really light part is bugging me. Not enough to take it apart but I do see a tea dye in this little projects future. Next time... I won't grab that tiny little scrap hanging out on the cutting board and incorporate it into the project. I just did an outline 1/4 inch in from the triangle parts and two lines 1/4 inch in from each of the logs. Just a single line through the squares. I'll need to clear out the closet of fabric a bit so I can search for some brown prints... they are way in the back behind some storage bins and I can't see that pile right now.
Beautiful fabrics and block. I have made squares with a 'part' that bugs me. Sometime they only bug me, no one else. So know how you feel. Tea dye would probably work.
Your block looks great! I love the colours and the fabric that you chose.
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