Where did the weekend go? Oh yeah - working at the store for the fall sale. Hopefully Greg is feeling better today - he got the crud and was no energy all weekend.... which means I get to play with the zero turn lawn mower later today. First up is a quick shower and then a walk with my friend Deb. It has been since the first week of school since we were able to walk. Lots to catch up on.
I just have a little more prep work to do for my girl scout meeting tonight which should be done before I pick up the kids from school today. Neither slept well last night so hopefully they are not bears tonight - just me until after scouts as Greg has to close today.
I am just happy I had prepped so much hand work for my trip to VT - I have plenty to work on Tuesday and Wednesday as I am working at the store with Greg. After a sale it tends to be slow.... so I plan on relaxing with some hand work both days. Probably just jinxed it and we'll have lots of customers browsing as they come down for the winter.
I'll work on some of this... my orange trip around the world block. I hope to get to the white row this week.
and this - some of my midget appliqué blocks. I hope to get 2 done this week. Now which two? The daisy I think and then we'll see - maybe the star flower?

Fingers crossed I can also pin my 16 patch star quilt later this week and start the machine quilting this weekend.... and then there is the poor garden that has been neglected the last 3 weeks of hectic life. The good news.... corn is up and the zucchini actually has flowers starting and the cucumbers plants are looking good. Now to get them to continue growing and produce some fruits without the bunny eating them. Hopefully the beans will get planted this week too and I need to get a few tomato plants to pop into the ground as well. The fence will be put up Sunday... before those new things grow too much. Yes, strange growing seasons down here in Florida but we will be in the 80's through December and frosts don't tend to happen until January. This is before the weeding =).
Just wanted to wish my hubby Greg a very
Happy Anniversary. Thanks for putting up with me for 9 years now =) I'm looking forward to a lot more years together.
Oh just love that TAW, if I could figure out how to do corners ( hand sewing) neatly, I'd begin one. hugs, Julierose
Yep, the weekends just flash by. Really enjoy seeing all the different projects you have on the go. Good luck with the veggies.
So much going on. Hope you find some time to relax soon. If you don't take a deep breath soon the holidays will be right around the corner
Busy, busy! Hopefully hubby is feeling well enough to celebrate your anniversary!! We are looking forward to cooler temps here. I love the cooler weather that comes with the Fall. I just can't imagine 80s during the winter.
Happy Anniversary! Hope Greg is feeling better. Enjoy the week - nice that it began with a walk with a friend. ~Jeanne
Happy anniversary! Sure hope Greg is feeling better already and that you've had some time with needle and thread.
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