Then I pulled from the scrap mess on the floor (ok, the boxes are overflowing and I just dig until I find the color I want) and found some brown fabrics. They got cut into some 2.5 inch squares and I was able to make two 16 patch blocks. Here is the slew of them I have made so far this year.
These are so versatile - I have made the last few years into star versions (last year, 2013) but I think I will make this one a colorful 'Goodnight Irene' variation with each color block 'floating' on a solid off-white background color. I can picture it in my head I just need to get out the colored pencils and plan my color design so I can start in on the alternate blocks.
Aidan wanted to sew last night - so we quickly made a couple of coasters for Grandma. He picked the fabrics and we used this link for the instructions. Tonight - I need to figure out the knitting loom Emily got as her reward for being good up in VT at the wedding rehearsal, wedding and on the plane ride back.

The orange trip around the world just needs 40 more squares added to finish off the edges of the square. I found fabrics to work last week and added a whole round of yellow/orange to the mix.

This was last Saturday night - my margarita out by the bonfire. Greg and Emily tented out that night - Aidan gave it a shot but that boy can only sleep in his bed at night. I wonder if there will be another bonfire this Saturday night?
Head on over to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday morning to see what the dark browns are looking like in projects.
I got one small row machine quilted before my foot began to complain on my RSC brown block--I WILL have to get a knee presser bar I think...
since my back felt okay tho', I made a cranberry/orange nut bread in my bread machine and in the process broke my FAVORITE casserole dish waaah --I am a walking "time bomb" these days...luckily DH swept and vacuumed it RSC ....another week with no posting...oh well, so it goes hugs, Julierose
P.S. i think i should have one of your margarita cocktails---;--))))
Sitting out around a fire sounds wonderful its been awhile since we have done that! Somehow we always end up roasting hotdogs!
That margarita looks the business. those brown blocks look great - I really struggle with brown fabrics. Never get enough contrast happening.
Beautiful progress. A margarita in front of the bonfire looks like a fabulous way to spend an evening. My kids used to love camping in the backyard when they were little. The good old days......
I may have to try Goodnigh Irene...I'm just not using up scraps fast enough! 😉
And if there's another bonfire, will there be another margarita? Ha! Love your brown blocks. I'm anxious to see your Goodnight Irene come together. I'll admit that every time I see a blogger work on one, I mentally move mine up a notch or two on my To Make list. ;-)
never mix margaritas and rotary cutters.... warning! LeeAnna
The group of blocks is really colorful. Will look great as you plan it. Keep up the good work!
Love your colorful blocks this week. I started making 16 patch blocks last month because like you say, they are so versatile. Plans are to make at least four a month.
Bonfires and margaritas is good.
Aidan has a good eye for color. Cute coasters. Looking forward to pictures of Emily's knitting loom projects when you two figure out how to use the loom.
Great pictures, I really like your 16 patch blocks, and they look so good together.
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