I had decided to make some hearts in purple during the month of May. I think I made that decision on Tuesday, before life got crazy! I did manage to get 4 of the hearts needle turned applique before my week turned upside down! I have 2 more prepped and one in process.....
I hope to prep more today and relax in a comfy chair and stitch a few at some point today. I see lots of waiting time in my future so plenty of time to catch up for the month! I did finish this knitted dish cloth while waiting in the ER on Friday. Some stitching has happened this week!
Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitchers.
In other news... and that ER visit on Friday. Hubby was admitted to the hospital Friday afternoon being in extreme pain in the ER most of Friday. The pain was from his back... but he passed out from pain and hit his head on the wall so I called an ambulance to bring him to the ER Friday morning. Lots of tests yesterday for a final diagnosis late last night. Since he can walk (but is still in a lot of pain) he opted to be released to home rather than transferred to Orlando for a neurosurgeon consult on his back. I see lots of appointments in our future for hand work time.
In sunnier news.... we picked the first green beans from the garden and I was enjoying some cherry tomato's from my plant this weekend.
Greg had started some sourdough starter last week and I took over the feeding of it this week and it is finally ready to make bread. The recipe is a long one..... lots of wait time. I think I should be baking a couple of loaves later today. With some of the starter you normally get rid of... we made soft pretzels last night. The kids said they came out really good. I have yet to try one!
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cinnamon sugar |
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salt |
Someone was missing Dad yesterday....
Seems the other one organizes when she is worried - she tacked the hall closet. It looks a lot better now. I tried to get her to head to the sewing room next but she is too smart for that!
those pretzels look good - I just got a starter going yesterday. Hope all goes well with Hubby it will take awhile with all the appointments but glad things are opening up enough now to do it.
I'm surprised they let you wait with him in the ER!!! We all cope differently, don't we? Funny that the cat climbed up on the napping kid! Best of luck with all of the upcoming appointments, Deb!
Hope your husband gets some relief from his pain, and they can get him in quickly.
I'm so sorry to hear your hubby was in that kind of pain, and hope they can get things figured out for him. It's hard to have medical issues going on right now, as I know all too well with Mike's stuff. Your hearts look so pretty - love the different shades of purple you found! Happy Mother's Day, Deb!
Oh so sorry to hear about your hubby's fall...and his back pain--i can totally empathize with that!! I am sending prayers for a speedy recovery ....
I love those hearts--such a cute block-a-day project and so portable...
Take care, hang in there, and stay safe ;)))
~ ~ ~ waving from the recliner Julierose
Oh my--but first Happy Mother's day to you!!
and I will be praying for hubby to get relief from the pain and will be able to get in quickly in Orlando to see a specialist on his back--back pain is no fun that is for sure! do take care and keep sewing those hearts--sewing always helps the soul!
luv, di
best advice I have read is--
try to stay where the ventilation is good--
wear that mask--and if it is a long wait--
change masks every so often (so take extras with you)
and it is important to still do the social distancing as much as possible--we are not done with this virus yet--I am afraid--so think safety all the time
except when you have your head down sewing!!!!
luv, di
My hubby makes sour dough too. When we get too much starter we make pancakes. Hope things get better for your hubby. No fun with waiting rooms in your future but at least you will have something to do.Keep stitching!
I am sorry to hear of your husbands fall and that he is in such pain. A terrible thing to happen at the best of times but in this climate even more so. Hopefully the medical people will be able to determine what is the problem and treat him helping with his road to recovery. It seems you will be waiting with him a lot during this process; it is a good thing you love to hand stitch. Those hearts of yours are lovely. Take care.
Hope they get your hubby's issue sorted out quickly so he can start feeling better!
Looks like your garden is starting to produce some goodies - nothing beats fresh veggies!
Take care and stay safe!
Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery!
The hearts are gorgeous
Is that Easy Street quilt that your son is laying on? It looks familiar!
Sure do hope that hubby doesn't need surgery to fix the back pain. maybe massage and physiotherapy can bring the pain down?
Enjoy your gardan!
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