It really is a slow start today. I was the first one up a little before 8AM to let out the chickens from their coop. The call at 8:30 from my MIL got hubby out of bed. She was just calling off having the kids over today as Papa Andy is having a bad weekend. He is 88, and has a leaky heart valve that can not be operated on again. I checked on Em at 9:15 and she was still sleeping! I guess those teenage years of sleeping in are hitting as opposed to the 5AM and raring to go as toddlers! She is out now with Greg paining the modified nesting boxes. The rain was getting in so some fixes were in order.
I enjoyed some stitching time on the back porch last night working on a few of my hexagons. I have 2 left to do... and those might be stitched under the umbrella today on the pool deck along with the circle of the butterfly onto the wings! I hear 88F today.....
I took this tin with me to car line this week and both kids grabbed it thinking their snack was in it! Their faces when they saw fabric was oh too funny! I believe it was from a Girl Scout fall product chocolate peppermint this year. I love the snowmen and it fits my things for this project perfectly. Spool of thread for piecing and the hand quilting, pin case, pin cushion and scissors. The prepped hexagons tuck right in for easy access.
The butterfly needs those circles attached to the inner wing, then I'll finish basting it down. I need to cut out the background square so I can hand applique it along with the pink one. Are there green butterfly's? It sounds like there will be by the end of next month in my sewing room at least!
I was making great progress on the hand quilting of the hand pieced quilt along until mid week when binding projects took over. I plan to add some stitches into this at some point today as well.
Speaking of the hand pieced quilt along- this years is called
Harmony and I need to prep and make my first block before tomorrow. Thank goodness it is a simple square in a square block. It is a fun little sew along if you are interested in picking up a few tips on hand piecing. Mine will be red and white this year.
The chickens are all back and the three home from the fair are enjoying the freedom of roaming in the back yard.... and dust baths in the section of the garden I left open for them. It was the first thing they did when we let them out of the travel cage.
Yes Mom, the garden is finally getting some things coming up - beans, peas, radish, spinach are up. The beets, swiss chard and carrots are starting to show now too. I need to move the buckets in the fenced area to replant the herbs. The chickens are playing in them where they are!

I headed out last night to offload a few cases of girl scout cookies to another troop to sell today. Seems the weather is affecting the shipments to the warehouses and I figured they could use them more than my troop! I wandered around Joanns and picked up some cream 90 inch backing that should work for 2 quilts with my 50% off coupon and then got a baby flannel 1.5 yard at 50% off for a backing of a little 40x48 quilt that I hope to get finished off this coming month. I also looked in the remnants bin and got 2 sky blues - one was a Kona and the other a regular cotton. Not bad for $24! This is what I saw on the way there - a big full moon. Good thing I pulled over for this shot on the way there, the clouds came in and it was cloudy with a little sprinkle on the way home after 9PM.
Linking up with the other
Slow Sunday Stitchers at Kathy's Quilts.
Love yellow!!! Love the blue and white harmony quilt.
Sending out good thoughts for Grandpa to feel better. Your yellow hexies and butterfly are looking good! I keep meaning to look at what the next block (or piece of the block, I guess!) for Harmony is and prep it for stitching, too. The square in a square was a quick one! I should look at the wide backings at Joann's, too - always forget to do that. Hope you're having a great Sunday!
So much lovely sewing going on, I hope your Grandpa, feels better soon! How lovely to have chickens in your garden. 🙂
I am so glad my 'chicks' are back home and enjoying their dust baths!!! and prayers for your Grandpa!
All your projects are coming along fine--
I had a feeling that March would be green--wonder if I have much green or if it means I may get to go shopping for some!!!
luv, di
Hope Grandpa feels better soon! Great projects, and love your blue and white one. I did that one in blue and yellow! Happy stitching!
love the blue star in the quilting hoop - hope gramps will be feeling better soon
Enjoy stitching the last scraps of YELLOW and what a funny "snack" for the kids, Deb!!
Always nice to see chooky photos. I've never hand pieced before.
Lots of cheery yellow and lovely blue and white to be seen here. Sweet chooks, too. I hope your Grandpa is okay.
You have done well with the hexagon project - pretty yellows. I love your blue and white star quilt. Now the butterfly block will be interesting to follow. Have a wonderful week and you are really doing some great projects!
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