Sunday, August 20, 2017

Slow Sunday.....

I got a little machine sewing time in this morning to finish off my 4 unstructured log cabin blocks. I just pull from the pile of scraps on the floor and sew them in rounds until they are a little bigger than 12.5 inches and trim them down. These are four finished ones.... and another 6 got started until the bobbin ran out. I took that as a cue to take a break.

Lunch is done. I helped Emily make a 'Grammy' salad. Growing up Mom made salads with iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, celery if we had it and carrots if we had it. Then used the glass dressing shaker to make the italian seasoning packet of salad dressing up. It is still my favorite dressing - although I just make my own and omit the sugar from a recipe here. In my house.... no one would eat it so I decided to just prep lettuce and they all (hubby and kids) would eat that as salad with a dressing of choice - usually ranch. Me... I would cut other things up and toss it on my individual salad. While up in Vermont this summer, Grammy made salad. Both kids ate it - although I think Aidan just pushed a few things off to the side or didn't get them on his plate like tomato's (I know, I really am not sure he is my child not liking tomatoes!). Turns out... Emily now likes all these things on her salad! We have a bowl full made up and it will hang out in the fridge and be nice easy lunches for me for a couple of days. We were out of the seasonings so Emily got to help measure everything out and then made a batch of salad dressing to put in the fridge. The herbs are in a prep bowl tucked away in the cabinet for the next 2 bottles of dressing.

Then we made a eclipse viewer with a cereal box. I just did a google search and found a video on how to do it. We tested it out and found the white dot so it is working.

Now I think it is time for my foot stretches and then some pool time. At some point I will enjoy hand stitching some more of the 1857 border blocks. I have 6 that still need back basting and 2 are back basted and need trimming for needle turn appliqué. I think those 2 might get done at some point today after I finish the inch or so needed on the top one below. 

Linking up with Kathy for the Slow Sunday Stitching.


Robin said...

I remember when I made one of those boxes in 1962 when the last eclipse came through North America. The area of totality was much farther north so it didn't get very dark at all. But, it was fun to watch the shadow come across the pinpoint of the sun shining through the hole in my box.

a good yarn said...

That's my kind of salad too. Glad you enjoyed your slow Sunday.