We were all sitting out on the back deck watching the birds most of the afternoon yesterday while he was napping. Aidan of course was his usually happy self most of the weekend so Grammy got lots of smiles from him. My parents came up yesterday for a little bit to visit and now it is back to the usual routine for us. Aidan did lots of sleeping last Tuesday and Wednesday...and now he is in new clothes sizes! I packed all his newborn and 0-3 months clothes away this weekend and will probably be packing the 3 months away this week too. He really got taller very quickly and pushed his feet through one outfit already. That just means I get to dress him in this cute outfit from Gina. It says, Hello, I am piglet with a picture of piglet. Very fitting since he is such a little piggy!
I did very little sewing this weekend. I did finish sewing the 'extra' blocks so now have 35 pinwheel blocks that will eventually become a quilt top. Since our weather is taking a turn for the cold and rainy today, I hope to sew a bit this afternoon and finally get the rows of blocks sewn into a top. We'll see how that goes...
Have a good Monday everyone.