Progress has been made. Just need to put on the outermost border and piece the backing. It is coming together pretty nicely. I do wish I had done this a little more controlled with just blues I think. That would have made a really pretty combo with this quilt pattern. Maybe next time.... I do still have a huge bin of blue scraps waiting for me somewhere in my house in Florida =). I hope to get the borders on tonight, pinned sometime later this week and quilted during naps on Sunday. Well... it's good to have a 'plan' right?
Yesterday I took the kids to our family's camp on the lake to visit with Grammy and Grandpa. The plan was to stay overnight... but they would not take naps and were not listening so I took them home after dinner. They were not happy, but I think they will nap the next time we go out for a visit. Getting the 3YO to bed at night is a 1+ hour chore lately and the 2YO has been getting up before 6AM..... not a time of the morning my parents tend to be up for.
I got inspired by Angela over at Superscrappy and decided to open the Midget box and did #12 Indian Puzzle. I gave myself permission to continue going a bit out of order so I could get them started again. I need to do #5, #9, #10 and #11 still. Maybe I'll tackle one or two of them the next time I open the box.
What have you been working on?
Lovely Indiana Puzzle. Sometimes going out of order helps blocks add up more quickly. Your color scheme is so pretty. Great work on getting the stars bordered. Each step done is a chance to appreciate your accomplishment.
I really like the quilt top. The colours add some sparkle but I do think it would look terrific in all blue too!
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