Here it is! After the morning I had with the kids - very whiney boy, no fever but he said he 'aches' and is tired? Growing pains? Tired I can understand... he was up twice last night (so was the other one... at different times of course) and didn't settle down until well after 9PM (we put them to bed at 8!)... and was awake around 6AM. A broken lamp bulb... that I didn't see until I was putting them up for naps and then... checking on them 10 minutes later ... it seems that Daddy left the new DVD player for the car trip to Florida in our bedroom that we are currently sharing with Em...... I think I found them before any serious damage was done.
Mop the floors (which really need it).... or sew?
Guess you can tell from the picture at the top of the post what I decided to do! I did vacuum and dust, swept the floors and did 2 loads of laundry... that counts right?
The binding is all set to go for this one too. Just need to piece the back and buy some batting and pins for quilting..... I didn't plan on doing this quilt when I packed and didn't save off the pins or some batting. Oops... well, you can never have too many quilting pins right?
Congrats on finishing the top - it looks great!
Way to go on getting Star Struck done. The outer border is perfect.
Your starstruck quilt looks wonderful...
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