Friday, February 15, 2013

What's beside your sewing machine?

I decided to show my really slow project with no plan. This is the little basket sitting next to my sewing machine that I use as my leader and ender project. I just had to cut a few more squares as the basket was empty. Since the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is purple this month I decided to cut some purple squares. Yes, I also did some green as I like to have two colors to choose from.

These are just 2 inch squares that I am making into these four patches.
Emmy had to have her picture taken with the squares. 

These really have no plan at the moment although I was thinking of alternating each four patch with a dotted black square. I think I like them as blocks of color though..... I will just be adding to these each month with different colors from the RSC. I added the pinks next to the green last month.
What is your Leader and Ender project?


Ray and Jeanne said...

I have a bunch of 2" squares sewn together with no plan! Someday they'll become a very scrappy quilt, I think! Love you blocks! ~Jeanne

scraphappy said...

I am doing 2 inch squares as well, though mine are monochromatic. I switched to orange last month when I ran out of pink. Still need to get some purple ready to go,