Progress has been made on the frame - I kinda like hand quilting at night while Emily reads to me! I will be piecing some batting this week so I can roll it. Amazing how quickly it goes when you actually work on it! =) I'll be working on this upper left hand part of the orange this evening.... and then will need to piece that batting the cats got into before I can roll it to the next part.

First up today, I am helping out at a girl scout event for the afternoon - Smores and Swaps at our local Camp Wildwood about 20 minutes from me. It is to show the girls and their parents around camp and make a SWAP at each 'area' of camp. Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere) The idea is to get the parents and girls comfortable going for encampments with their troops or for a week in the summer. I'm not sure what I'll be helping with but I will bring some hand work with me... there are always some red hexagon flowers ready to attach to the black background or the rest of the color of flowers to get basted for applique. I have a baggie of light and bright greens ready to baste down in the car. Nice and portable to fit in my backpack with my water and power zero and a snack. Looks like highs around 77 today.

The grumpy kids are off to Grandma's for the day. I had to wake Aidan in the night to grab the humidifier from his room to put it in Emily's... who could not sleep with a stuffed up/runny nose. Some vicks on her chest and the humidifier and she slept from 3-8 with no issues. I see an early bedtime for them tonight....
Oh, Deb! The quilt on the frame is coming along SEW nicely. Isn't it fun to see an RSC project inching toward a finish?!?!
hope Emily will be feeling better today. That is the thing with hand quilting you only see progress if you can work on it almost every day. A lot of people say if they can only sit for 15 minutes they see progress. I sit in the evening for 1 to 2 hours and quilt - but it is just me and hubby and distractions - :( no grandchildren near by
Your quilt looks so beautiful on the quilt frame. How do you like quilting on a frame compared to a hoop?
I like that it is off me and i can do a lot without moving it. I dislike not being in the living room.... but i have a tv in my hedroom to watch. I am ambidexterous so i can quilt up or down without an issue.
I need Emily to read to me while I sew--I have tried tapes but for some reason I don't seem to listen to them very well and miss alot of the book--though that was years ago--maybe I should try them again--
quilt is coming along nicely--and you will remember this quilt as the one the kittens enjoyed too!!!!
luv, di
You made me laugh with saying that it's amazing how quickly it goes when you actually work on it!!
Enjoy your stitching!
True fact-- it is amazing how fast some projects go when you actually work on them. LOL. I need to stop visiting blogs so that I can work on something. Teehee.
Love that you are going to take the hexagon flowers with you in your backpack. Hope little one is feeling better. I have added your blog to my reader, I found you via Slow Sunday stitching. Have a terrific Slow Sunday Stitching.
Early bedtime sounds like a perfect plan. Nice progress on your hand quilting. It does go faster when you work on it!
You made me smile with your comment about how working on something actually shows progress! I have been feeling that way with my cross stitch. My girls used to be girl scouts and we regularly made SWAPs with their troops - I miss those days. Love that you bring your stitching with you where ever you go, I do that as well.
Very nice colors and quilt! Enjoy the hand quilting!
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