Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

The kids decided 7:15 was the time to wake up the adults. I hear the stockings were opened around 6:30AM!  Done by 7:50!
The kids only get a handful of gifts but they were very happy with their presents. They each got a book so hopefully when that 'I'm bored' kicks in I'll tell them to go read! We had to open the gifts the kids got for us first before they would open any of theirs! They have always been this way and it is so nice that they enjoy gifting and seeing the person open their presents more than getting their gifts. I got a 'cat rules' plaque, a new coffee mug, a hand made origami cat and a hand made bracelet. The bracelet was opened first. They were making them yesterday.

We are going easy with food today - grazing on appetizers and my in-laws will stop in for a few hours as well. 

May you all have a wonderful Christmas however you choose to spend the day.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

we are easy with food most of the day but I will put in a turkey breast to roast towards late afternoon - we have a lot leftover from yesterday's finger food grazing
Merry Christmas

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Cute Kitty! Enjoy the grazing day - I am doing a no fail Xmas dinner!
POT ROAST - I ruined Thanksgiving dinner so I asked Clay what the wanted - Pot Roast with potatoes and carrots - Put that puppy on about 6:30 and will cook it all day - Hope I am redeeming myself! LOL Hugs


Merry Christmas to you and your family-
luv, di

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sounds like a wonderful holiday, Deb!!