Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Another finish! 16 patches

 I finished the binding on the 16 patch baby quilt on Sunday. This one is 32x40 and will be donated to charity with the stars and nines. This one is similar to the last one but no stars!  The chickens would not pose so I put some treats down for them for a photo op. Poppy was missing from the photo but this has the 4 Sexlink (Rhode Island Red/White cross), 3 Plymouth Rocks and 1 Easter Egger - Rosie.

I had my first in person girl scout meeting last night at my house. It had been over a year since we have seen them all in person! They sure do change a lot in a year. We met outside on the side lawn and they all visited the chickens in the back yard.  Now I can relax a bit until next Monday...and make phone calls and schedule the Roller Skating and Painting with a Twist that was put on hold last year. I'm not ready for the camping yet.... maybe this fall.


The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on another lovely RSC quilt finish, Deb!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I imagine it is hard to tell chickens to pose LOL
Cute quilt - must have been different having people in the house! I felt a little strange having people in mine I must admit after a year

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's so pretty, Deb! I love the happy rainbow of scraps you put together. Hooray for finally meeting in person again - it does make a difference!

Julierose said...

What a charming finish on this quilt--so bright and cheerful...nice work
Looks like the chickens approve, too ;)))
hugs, Julierose

Ray and Jeanne said...

I love the rainbow of colors in this quilt. Great finish! So glad the scouts are able to meet in person again. ~Jeanne

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

What a sweet fun quilt and very cheerful Your gals look quite happy in the back yard. They make me miss our chickens. Sounds like a great girl scout meeting. Happy quilting.

Edith said...

Love this little quilt, might want to copy this, and love your chickens! I used to have chickens, now city bylaw prohibits them :(