A busy weekend in my household again. Friday, I picked up the kids and Emily had a headache all day at school (sinus I think) and went right to bed! Yikes. I checked on her at 8PM and then woke her up at 5AM Saturday. She had a big day ahead and thankfully felt better. She had to be at school for 6AM for the bus to Tampa State Fairgrounds for a competition. She made the Horse Evaluation team again this year in FFA and they made it to States again. I decided to head to the fair this year and enjoy the fairgrounds. While she was with her team, I enjoyed wandering around the fair by myself! So nice when you can see what you want, for however long and eat when you are hungry (and drink lots of liquids as it was feels like 87 for part of the day!)

This is half of the horse evaluation participants from all over the state - middle and high school FFA and 4H groups. They split them up into 4 big sections around the arena to evaluate the horses. This is 2 sections - Emily is in the group on the other side of the arena. They had 4 horses led into the middle so they could evaluate them through a few different processes. It was a 2.5 hour process of watching riders and then the end was evaluating the horses in the arena.

I saw a nice display of working steam engines, a great forestry display - it is amazing how many trees have been lost across the state as they are cut down to build. I wandered through the Cracker Village and got to enjoy seeing the old buildings and adults in old period dress doing all kinds of amazing things. I wish I had thought to take pictures of that. I saw weaving, spinning, making brooms, making baskets with pine needles and with other local materials. A blacksmith was busy making some beautiful projects. I had to walk back through there with Emily on the way out before the rain hit and picked up some herbs. She had not seen that area, so I was pointing out all the different things. I guess they stay by the barn areas. Then I wandered through the 'fine arts' area. There were lots of nice displays of photography, legos, plants, aquariums, woodworking, and all kinds of craft items. I took some photo's of the quilts.
This was a rug that was awesome!
This one was amazing! It was hung up high so I didn't get a chance to see all the detail up close.

With all the dangerous choices of fair food, I went with a chicken gyro and boy was it yummy! Add another water, power zero, a few bites of Emily's funnel cake and a small lemonade and corn dog on the way out. We got into the car just as a few drops of rain hit the windshield around 5PM. A rainy drive home but we made it home about 10 minutes before the heavy rain started so it was great timing all day long!
Today I plan to add the second eye and finish off the face of this frosty, add a few snowflakes and then I can call him done. I'll have to trace out the 6th Frosty to stitch this week. Bear has been snuggled up to me this morning in my recliner. Hubby took Em to school for morning feeding of the chapter animals. I get the afternoon trip. I think he missed me yesterday!
sounds like you had a good day at the fair. I rarely go to them anymore and when I do I wander through the display barns and then leave I haven't eaten fair food in years lol - it doesn't appeal to me too much fried foods I guess. The quilts all look so great
I love looking at quilts at the fair! Lots of beautiful eye candy! Have fun stitching today! Gail at the Cozy Quilter
What a great day! Gorgeous display of quilts.
That looks like it was a fun day, and you saw some beautiful quilts! I showed Mike the photo of your girl with her FFA friends, and he said they haven't redesigned those jackets in all these years. He was in FFA in the 60s- and we have his jacket somewhere here in the house! Have a great Sunday!
Better than just a quilt show. I had horses in the 1980's - They are such wonderful animals. Great to see the kids still are heavily involved in the FFA with their animals. Love the pictures of the quilts and your Snowmen. Hugs
There certainly was a lot to see and appreciate at the fair. Some beautiful quilts there. Congratulations to your daughter and her team for making it to the States competition. How exciting!
Lots of beautiful quilts at the fair! Glad you had time to browse and enjoy. ~Jeanne
That sounds like a wonderful day at the fair. So many different things to see. I loved all those quilts. Enjoy your stitching.
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