Sunday, October 23, 2016

Slow Down Sunday.....

Oops, was I to slow down today? Well, it was a stress free day anyway. I got a little programming time in today for some analysis and a quick menu change then  worked at the store for a short day. Tonight I have been enjoying some slow stitching as Emily has been finishing work on her diorama on the Arctic Tundra. She just needs to practice her paragraph of facts a bit this week before the due date on Friday. The animals need to get added and a little more tundra and one more of the northern lights on the other side and I think she'll be good.  I turned this corner and have moved the hoop once already. I hope to move it at least once more tonight.

Emily's project as of tonight.


Quilter Kathy said...

Isn't it sooo fun to move the hoop when you're finishing the border?!? Love that cable!

a good yarn said...

I so envy your hand quilting. It's simply beyond me.