They are Autumn Tints, Box and Calico Puzzle. They were really easy to piece and Randy's directions were wonderful.

I would have shown all six together but the upload is not working for me right now. Maybe with the next batch.
I was also able to finish the hand quilting on one of the quilt square along blocks (March) and have started on the second one that I have ready to go from February. I hope to get this month's block cut out today and maybe a little bit of sewing done on it. Since I am planning to do the remaining three on the pattern.... I am going to start with the easiest one today so I'll have it ready for hand quilting this weekend. I'm finding that if I have it hanging around in the living room I can get a lot done on it while watching the kids a bit during the day. One length of thread worked on here and there.... and you get a done project very quickly. I am starting to feel more comfortable with the hand quilting (I am too lazy to mark anything so it is all done free hand) and think once I get caught up on these blocks I'll pull out the fireworks quilt from last year's July rainbow challenge and work on getting that quilted. Here is a picture of the fireworks top from last year.

Sounds like you are making a lots of good progress in your moments of stolen time. Having something ready to go always seems to be the key.
I agree that having everything prepped and ready makes it a lot easier to work on a project during small moments of time. Working on a hand project in bits and pieces really does add up.
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